Chapter 10: Watch Out!

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Kurt's POV

I wake up and see Christian walking out the bathroom. He hands me a pile of clothes.

"Here, wear my clothes to school today. There's bacon and eggs downstairs." He smiles weakly at me. I take the clothes and go to the bathroom. I start getting undressed while I get in the shower. What happened last night is still swirling around my head. I am exhausted. Christian walks in the bathroom and sits on the floor as I close the curtains.

"I'm really, really sorry Kurt. I didnt even sleep last night. I just stared at you the whole time."

"I just dont get why your friends are more important than our relationship." I say as I put shampoo in my hair.

"They are not Kurt! I will compromise."

"Whatever." My voice cracked. Ugh I need to act like I dont care.

"The game ends at 6 so I'll go out until 8 just in time for the show, deal?"

"K whatever."

"Kurt come on! I will tackle in the shower!" He says as he laughs

"I'm naked get out." I'm laughing now too. I get dressed and see him in the kitchen as I walk downstairs. I hug him tight and start eating my breakfast.

"Ok we have about 5 minutes hurry!" He says while grabbing his coat.

"Okay okay!" I say as I eat three strips of bacon. We walk out into the street and run for the bus. We sit in the very first row so we can talk.

"Last night was perfect." I say as I lean against his chest.

"Well yeah if you don't count the part where you yelled at me."

"It's still perfect!" I laugh as I check my phone. The opening night is tomorrow! I see 6 messages from Blaine and 3 from Rachel. Oops!

Blaine: hi kurt!!!! whats up

Blaine: ur probably asleep but sweet dreams hahaha

Blaine: morning! 24 hours and its showtime!

Blaine: i already bought my ticket so ill have a front row seat

Blaine: im bored

Blaine: xoxo

I go and read Rachel's texts.

Rachel: are you getting raped right now? Hahahahaha

Rachel: having fun?????????????

Rachel: u must be having fun if your not answering!

I smile as the bus stops. Christian and I get off and we walk through the doors.

"I need to go to gym to get some stuff, later babe!" He says. He gives me a hug as I make my way to my class. I see Rachel run toward me the second Christian turns around. Damn she is fast!

"Tell me everything Kurt Hummel!" She says as she stops me.

"Whoah calm down missy! Imylate! I'll tell you in rehearsals!" Rachel rolls her eyes and walks to her class. The day goes by and I run to theatre as the bell rings. I see Rachel in the green room checking her costumes.


"Oh you're here! Okay tell me quick!" She says as she puts down her costume. I tell her everything from the romantic dinner to the neck kissing to the big fight all the way to the making up part. She pretty much gasped through the whole 5 minutes and I just laugh.

"Ok first of all I'm impressed that he was able to pull that dinner off. Second of all that is so stupid that he will even second guess on picking you! I dont think he's a keeper Kurt." I'm a little bit offended by that. I mean I dont know if he is but hello?! We've only been dating for a couple weeks!

"Um excuse me?" I say

"You need to keep an eye on him because it doesn't seem like you're his number one priority. All I'm saying is watch out." She says as I roll my eyes. We get back to the stage and get in our positions. We are having one last rehearsal for Hello Dolly.

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