Chapter 14: I Am Your Lucky Charm!

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Kurt's POV

"Kurt are you serious? Oh my god I am literally about to fall off my bed!" Rachel says while we're facetiming. I facetimed her to tell her what happened because I just couldnt wait!

"You will remember that moment for the rest of your life! I'm so happy it happened the way it did! Oh and what did your dad get you for your birthday?"

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot to tell you! He got me a rolex!!!" I say as I hold it up on the screen

"A rolex?! What? Oh my gosh that costs a lot of money!!!!" Rachel is literally screaming

"I was literally crying in the car! We had a mini celebration at home, he bought a cake which he still claims he baked." I say as I lay on my bed.

"Well are you going to talk to Blaine? You know you have a lot to talk about." She says while eating her ice cream.

"It was really stressful for him to meet Christian. And I want to talk to him in person!"

"Well talk to him tomorrow! It's Saturday and I'm sure he'll come watch the show." Rachel says as she drinks a bottle of water

"I don't think he'll come. He's really sad about tonight. I feel bad Rachel! But I gotta go, I'm really tired."

"We dont have class all next week because its Spring Break so rest! Well after tomorrow you can rest haha." We hang up and I look at all the presents i got. I take the box of marshmallows Blaine gave me and I eat them on my bed. Maybe I should text Blaine, I hope he's still awake.

Blaine's POV

I lay in my bed listening to all the sad songs I can find. It just hurts to see Christian and Kurt. I can tell he really doesn't like me and I swear I will beat the crap out of him. I look at my piano book. Oh damn I forgot I have a performance after spring break! I havent even started learning this piece yet! I open the book and start playing when my phone buzzes, it's Kurt!

Kurt: hi you up?

Me: yeah hey what's up

Kurt: just sitting in bed eating my marshmallows. thanks again!

Me: welcome! you were amazing tonight!

Kurt: thanks! i have 2 more shows tomorrow want to come?

Me: aww sorry i cant! i have to go to piano lessons. i have a performance after spring break!

I really cant stand to see Christian again.

Kurt: really? can i come????!!!!!

Me: yes please do!

Kurt: yayyyyy!

Me: you're like my lucky charm

Kurt: aw! I am your lucky charm!

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