Chapter 5: We're Just Friends!

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Kurt's POV


Oh god I think she made my eardrums explode.

"Oh my gosh Kurt you are totally living right now! But what about Blaine?!" Rachel says as she finally calms down.

"I dont know I mean it's not like Blaine is my boyfriend. We're just friends and nothing more."

"Well he's your friend so you need to break the news to him." I dont know why I'm feeling guilty, Blaine and I are friends I cant emphasize that enough.

"I'll call him tonight." I say as I finish my coffee. I dial his number as I enter my house and he answers after two rings, wow.

Blaine: hello?

Me: hi what's up!

Blaine: oh nothing i just ate dinner

Me: well were sort of kind of friends so omg i gotta tell you what happened today!

Blaine: oh totally & ok? It sounds important haha

Me: yes! Well this guy Christian Groff, im sure you know him.

Blaine: yeah the hot football player

Me: mhm that's the one! He told me he liked me and he kissed me on the cheek and i think were gonna be going out soon!

The silence was too long so i check if i accidentally hung up on him.

Me: uh Blaine?

Blaine: oh hey uh that's great! Yeah sorry i was getting something to drink

Me: oh okay i need to do homework let's text but cant you believe it? Im so happy!

Blaine: yeah totally that is so great!

I heard his voice crack, weird but we hung up the phone and continued texting. I'm so excited to see Christian tomorrow oh my gosh!

Blaine's POV

I wipe my tears as I get up from the bathroom floor. This so silly, why am I crying about this. Kurt and I are just friends and we're not even going out so it's totally okay for him to go out with other people. But Christian? He looks way better than me ugh. I thought we were taking things slow, I am so delusional! I look for Adele's album in my drawer and put it in my laptop. I put 'Someone Like You' on repeat while hugging my pillow tight. I wake up in the morning to my mom yelling at me to get dressed. My tears dried on my face what the hell? My mom drove me to school since I missed the bus. I walk down the hallway to my first period when Rachel stops me.

"Hi! Blaine right? I'm Rachel Berry, Kurt's best friend! I just want to say hello. We never really had a chance to talk before." She smiles at me. I try to fake a smile and act happy.

"Oh hey." I see a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay? Your eyes look puffy and red, have you been crying?"

"Oh no! Not at all I'm just tired and sleepy." I say as I walk away only to have her pull my coat.

"Hey watch out on the coat it's brand new!" I say while checking my $50 coat

"Are you upset about this Kurt and Christian thing? Because I know what crying eyes look like and that is what I'm seeing right now." She says

"It's allergies calm down and my contacts are really annoying."

"Blaine come on you really think you can fool me that easily?" She says as she crosses her arms

"I swear Rachel! Me and Kurt are friends and I'm happy for him! I really am."

"Fine, fine, but if you need to talk I'm here okay!"

"Ok gotta go!" I say as I walk away. Damn i hope I convinced her. I wouldnt want anything to jeopardize my friendship with Kurt. Since that's the only thing we'll ever be, friends, just friends.

Kurt's POV

Biology is my favorite subject now! I see Christian walk through the door and wink at me. Ugh he is so cute oh my god! He "sleeps" as always with his head on my shoulder. He saw me smiling and smirks at me.

"Can I ask you something?" He sits up and faces me

"Yeah ofcourse." My heart is pounding for some reason.

"Well I like you, you like me so I'm just going to ask you. Will you go out with me?" Oh my god what is happening?! I am screaming inside oh my god!!! But wait I gotta look cool! This is the hottest guy in school asking me out right now, I cant mess this up!

"Um yeah." I say as he smiles and holds my hand. Oh my god wait so I have a boyfriend now?! Yes yes yes! I immediately text Rachel to tell her about what just happened and with the amount of emojis she just sent me, she's screaming. I gotta tell Blaine but I want to tell him in person. I text him to meet me at Lima Bean after school. I cant wait to break the news to him! He's my friend so it's all good! Im smiling through the whole day omg!

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