Chapter 8: Use Protection!

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Kurt's POV

I closed Rachel's mouth for her as her jaw dropped after I told her what happened with Blaine. I honestly felt so bad! I never knew he was feeling all these things. I was so caught up with Christian and basically myself that I forgot other people's feelings. Of course Blaine would be upset, who wouldnt be. Your crush having a love interest and watching them skip around happily to the thought of someone that's not you? Devastating! I hope Blaine gets better.

"I knew he was going to explode." Rachel says as she shakes her head

"But it's all good now. We kind of talked it out and everything is fine, well at least for now. What's he gonna do if he sees me and Christian kissing?"

"Wait you already kissed?" Rachel gasps

"No! No not yet! I mean he kisses me a lot on the cheek but not on the lips! Yet..." I look down at the bagel I was eating. I dont even like bagels.

"Oh okay! Well back to Mr. Blaine Anderson! He is coming to the opening night right?" Rachel says as she wipes her mouth with a napkin

"Yes of course!" I say. The opening night of Hello Dolly is only 3 days away! I couldn't be more excited! Me and Rachel have rehearsals until 7 at night now since we're on a time crunch.

"Well lets go! I need to go home and rehearse, you need to do the same Kurt!" Rachel stands up

"Yes! Yes I will Mrs. Dolly Levi!" I say to her. Dolly Levi is the lead character of the play.

I go home and make sure I know all my lines by heart. I wake up with the script literally on my face. I get dressed and mark my calendar. Okay, 2 more days after today. I get to school to be greeted by a rose from Christian, oh my god!

"Aw for me? Romantic!" I gladly accept the rose as he holds my hand

"Well you have a big show in 2 days so you deserve it!" He smiles proudly with that innocent face. It's so adorable! He walks me to my first period and gives me a hug.

"I'll see you in Biology baby." Oh god my knees feel weak when he calls me that!

"I'll see you!" I gladly say. I think I was skipping like a princess as I make my way to my seat but who cares! I have the best boyfriend ever!

The whole day has gone really slow, the bell rings and its time for Biology! The one class I actually look forward to. I see Christian as I enter the room. He's fixing his hair as I hug him from behind.

"Oh hi! Just fixing my hair for you." He says as we sit down

"Aw! I love your hair any style! It doesnt matter!" I say. He pinches my cheek and laughs.

"Do you want to come over after school? You know so we can spend time together, you've been rehearsing non-stop." He says as he holds my hand

"Aw babe sorry I cant! I have rehearsals until 7." I see him look down. I can tell he's pretty sad about it.

"But maybe I can come over after?" I say as I see his face light up.

"That would be awesome! I can cook for you and have a pre-celebration!"

"You cook?!" I say

"Hell yeah!" Hes now bouncing up and down his seat. He is so damn cute he's like a little kid!

School finally ends and I go straight to rehearsal. Santana's in rehearsals for once, shocking. Rachel is practicing her lines as usual, i need to ask her a favor. I am praying this all works out. I pull her aside as she puts her script down.

"Okay rehearsals starts in like 2 minutes so I'm going to make this quick. Christian asked me if I can come over to his house after school but I can't and he was sad so I was like 'oh I'll come after rehearsals' and hes going to cook for me and yeah please help me! Im telling my dad that im going to sleep over at your house and lets just pray he doenst call your dads! Deal?" I'm actually out of breath!

"Kurt you are insane what the hell! I can't do that I don't want to get in trouble especially before my big night! I mean... OUR big night."

"Did I mention he gave me a rose?!"

"Oh well in that case I..."

"Please Rachel!" I'm literally acting like a toddler right now oh gosh!

"Yes, yes okay I was going to say okay!"

"Oh my gosh thank you thank you THANK YOU!" I hug her as we go up to the stage to start a stumble through of the whole show. I quickly text my dad that I'll be sleeping over at Rachel's to work on the play. He gladly agreed, YES!!!!

"Just promise me one thing." Rachel says as we do the Pas De Bourre.

"Sure what is it?"

"Use protection!" I literally tripped as she said that.

"Protection? Like condoms? Um hello we are not going to have sex!"

"Kurt come on! Christian invites you to come over, and he's going to cook for you, and your sleeping over. Do you honestly think you're just going to 'hang'?" Oh god she's right! What am I going to do?! I'm not ready! Am I? I mean I guess I am? I'm 16 so maybe? Ugh.

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