Chapter 4: Well Alright Baby!

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Kurt's POV

I only had three hours of sleep last night. I am exhausted but I did have a lot of fun talking to Blaine. He's pretty cool, I smile at him when I saw him in the hallway and he smiled back. We agreed on getting coffee after school at 3:30. Rachel made me swear to tell her everything after, she even asked me to record the conversation! That's a bit much so nope.

I arrive at the Lima Bean at 3:20 and I'm surprised Blaine is already there. He waves at me and I walk up to him.


"Hi Kurt!" He says

"I see you already got us coffee." I said to him. He laughs as we talk about everything. After finishing our coffee Blaine gets serious and nervous. He looks adorable when he's nervous.

"I really like you Kurt. I know that this is crazy and I'm probably out of my mind but I dont know I just really like you." He says

"That's really sweet! I like you too!" Even though I'm really not sure if i do, it's nice to have someone tell me they like me. I think Blaine and I both know we will start as friends before being in a relationship. We continue to talk and I'm surprised it's already 5:15! We were really talking for that long? Blaine offered to walk me home which I gladly said yes to.

"I like the weather between the end of winter and the start of spring, it's just so refreshing." He says

"I know right! It's romantic in a way." I say as we arrive at my doorstep.

"Thanks for walking me home." Blaine blushes.

"Yeah night!"

I walk in and go straight to my room. I call Rachel immediately and told her everything. It's like me and Blaine never run out of things to talk about and it's not awkward at all. I feel so comfortable with him.

A couple weeks have passed and me and Blaine have become good friends. The opening night of Hello Dolly is getting closer and closer and I am so excited! I continue rehearsing non-stop and doing normal school stuff when something unexpected happened. I walk in Biology class to see Christian Groff sitting beside my seat. I awkwardly sit beside him as he smiles at me. Oh god he is so hot! He keeps falling asleep and always ends up leaning on me. Not that I'm complaining. This has been going on for a couple of days and it started being a daily routine. We're not exactly friends, we small talk since we sit together but not long conversations. People started thinking we were going out because he's always leaning on me and putting his head on my shoulder as he sleeps. I'm kind of enjoying this. I dont think Blaine would get affected since me and him are friends right now so it doesnt really matter!

I do the packet about the plant cell while Christian snores in my ear. He wakes up and stares at me. I just pretend to not notice him and continue doing my work. Its hard not to notice him, hes so hot and I really REALLY like him.

"Are you enjoying me being on top of you?" He smirks at me.

"On top of me? Um you were leaning on me" I say as sassy as I can

"Yeah well it's been about two weeks of me doing that and you seem to not mind it"

"I'm just being nice. I know you have football practice everyday so you're probably tired." I say as I go back to labeling the parts of a plant cell.

"Probably, or maybe im pretending to be tired so I can lay on you." Okay I am not the smartest but is he dropping hints that he likes me? Ugh what am I thinking? Christian Groff liking me? Not a chance. I struggle to think of an answer so I just wing it.

"Oh is that so." I'm looking at him now. Looking in those sleepy puppy dog eyes and those perfectly plump lips ugh I just want to suck his face.

The bell rings and I rush out of the room as fast as I can. I really have no idea what to do so I just speed walk. I feel a firm hand grab my arm and pull me in the bathroom. Christian pushes me up against the wall with his hands on my waist.

"Listen, I dont know if it's because you're the only other gay guy I know in this school or if I'm just lonely but ever since I was moved to that class I have been checking you out. I dont want to sound desperate but you have a nice ass, your lips are almost perfect, your voice is really soft and you smell so fucking good." He says as he looks in my eyes. I stand there in shock, I cant believe what is happening right now. Did a really hot guy just tell me he has the hots for me?! Am I in a dream? I come closer to him making him blush.

"Um, so do you..."

"Yes! Yes I like you lady hummel." Oh my god. I cant believe this! But what is up with this 'lady hummel' thing.

"I, I like you back." I finally answer after 10 seconds of silence. He smiles and puts his arm around my waist.

"Well alright baby." He laughs as he kisses me on the cheek.

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never EVER been kissed before! This is too perfect oh my god. The hottest guy in school just kissed me! I mean it's only on the cheek but I guess that counts. Omg!!!!! I smile and walk out the bathroom. I'm late for my next class but who cares! Christian Groff just kissed me and told me he liked me oh god! I text Rachel to come meet me at Lima Bean after school. I said 'CODE RED' because thats our sign for 'very very very urgent come ASAP'.

I arrive at the Lima Bean and pick a table farthest from the people. If I know Rachel Berry, I know she will scream her head off when she hears the news.

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