Chapter 15: No One Ever Said It Would Be This Hard

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Kurt's POV

We finally finish the show, I had a lot of fun but thank god Hello Dolly is over! Those rehearsals were no joke! Spring break was really boring for me since all my friends were on vacation. Rachel went to Florida with her dads to go to Disney, Christian's parents took him and his brother to their beach house in LA and Blaine is busy with his piano thing. I would've asked Santana to come hang out with me but I think she also went to LA with her girlfriend Brittany. I just watched The Walking Dead on Netflix all day and ate popcorn...

First you love me and I let you in
Made me feel like I was born again
You empowered me, you made me strong
Built me up and I can do no wrong

I wake up to Madonna's Living For Love, I've been addicted to it ever since I set it as my alarm last week. Ugh spring break is over! Noooo!!! Well at least I get to see my friends and my boyfriend. Not Rachel though, she told me she and her dads are extending their stay in Florida for two more days, she better bring me something! I run up to Christian as I walk in Biology class.

"I missed you so much! How was LA?!"

"It was great! And I got you something!" He says as he hands me a heart necklace.

"Aw you shouldn't have!" This has got to cost a lot of money! The teacher didnt give that much work since we just came back from break so I spent all class laughing with Christian. The bell rings and I give him a quick kiss on the lips as I walk to my next class. The day goes by so fast! I walk down the hallway as I try to get through the crowd.

"Kurt wait up!" I see Santana pushing people over as she makes her way to me. She really needs to stop that.

"Hi Santana! How was your break!" I actually missed her!

"Enough with all the silly greetings, come with me to Lima Bean, we need to have a little girl talk." She says as she speed walks away not bothering to wait for me.

"What exactly are we going to talk about? If this is one of your scissoring stories with Brittany I dont want to hear about it." I say as I catch up to her

"No lady hummel! It's actually about you! And that rango faced bubblehead."

"What rango faced bubblehead?" What does that even mean?!

"Your boyfriend!"

"Christian? He does not look like a rango, whatever that is." Her insults stopped making sense so it doesnt even piss me off anymore.

We arrive at Lima Bean and we pick a table in the middle.

"Thank god this place isn't packed. Now sit Hummel because we need to have a talk. Rachel was supposed to do this with me but since she decided to stay in Florida with her two gay dads and eat donuts with mickey mouse's face on it, I'm just going to facetime her so she can also talk."

"Can you please start talking because I'm so confused right now." I say while sitting accross from Santana. Rachel answers as Santana faces her phone to me and leans it on a napkin holder.

"Hi Kurt!" Rachel says

"Hi Rachel! So can we please talk about whatever you wanted to talk about?"

"Rachel you start this off." Santana says as as she fixes her hair

"Okay so uh Kurt! So you and Christian are dating obviously!"

"Which for the record I'm still pissed that you guys didn't tell me immediately but go on." Santana says

"Well Santana if you actually have a conversation with us without the word 'dwarf' or 'frog face' then we would've told you! Anyway back to Kurt, so your boyfriend! I'm sure you know that he went to LA during spring break! I'm sure you also know that he went out of course! Well he was at a club which happens to be where Santana and Brit went to and well you know when people get drunk they..."

"Oh gosh Berry get to the point! Brittany and I were making out and I saw Christian dancing and basically grinding on this dude. So being the good friend I am I took my phone out and snapped a picture. Your rango faced bubbleheaded boyfriend locked lips with the dude and yes I said LOCKED lips. Not a pat, not a lick, a full on gay tounge kiss."

"Santana what did I tell you?! Explain it delicately!" Rachel snaps at her. I literally can't even breathe. I try to process all this in my brain.

"Uh how..." I choke

"If you're gonna ask how we were even in a club, it's because me and brit had a fake ID and I'm guessing your boyfriend does too." Santana says as Rachel shakes her head.

"No, this can't be true, what prank are you playing Santana because this isn't funny." I say. It's not true right? It's a lie! Christian would never do that to me. NEVER!

"I'm not playing any prank with you Kurt I'm telling you the truth! Your boyfriend cheated on you and I..."

"Show me the picture. You were drinking right? Maybe you were drunk and you mistook a guy to be Christian."

"I don't drink in clubs! I just go there to make out with my girlfriend in the dark. And no it was Christian. Christian Groff. The Christian Groff who got you to go out with him by pulling you in a bathroom. The Christian Groff who second guessed between you and his friends. The Christian Groff who missed your big night because he was out and came back with one shoe. What could he be doing to make him lose a freaking shoe? Going back to my point, It was Christian Groff who I saw, he is cheating on you." Santana says as she crosses her arms

"Let me see the damn picture." I can feel my eyes water. I just cant.

"Berry I'll put you on pause for a sec." Rachel nods as Santana holds up the picture.

"Here you go." I look at the picture and I can't even move. No, no this cant be happening. Christian? My boyfriend? Kissing another guy? I broke down right in front of Santana as she puts Rachel back on. Santana never saw me cry.

"Santana, can you walk Kurt home? My phone's about to die. Kurt, I'll call you later okay?" Rachel says as Santana hangs up. She hugs me and we walk to my house. The whole 10 minutes was just silence except for Santana complaining about her heels being too short. We arrive at my house as I try to wipe my tears. I look for my key in my pocket.

"Oh crap I cant even find my keys and my dad doesn't come home for another half hour." I say between sobs.

"Dont worry I'll stay here with you. You'll get over this Kurt. I think you should give Christian a piece of your mind! And I'll give him a piece of my fist when he gets out of school." Santana says as I cry in her arms. We sit at the bench in my front porch. Santana is the last person I would think of crying to but she's my friend. Surprisingly.

"Why dont we sing? Don't you always say music is your therapy?" She says as she clears her throat.

Nobody said it was easy
Its such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy...

She sings as I sit up

No one ever said it would be this hard

--the song is called 'The Scientist' by Coldplay. Glee actually did a cover of this song. xoxo

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