Chapter 18: Teenage Dream

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Kurt's POV

It's finally wednesday! I'm so excited to see Blaine perform! Christian wasn't in Biology today. I saw him in the hallway so it's either he skipped or he switched to another class. I honestly don't care. I'm happy now and I'm gonna carry on! I think I'm overusing that phrase. I go to Lima Bean to meet Santana and Brittany.

"Kurt hi!!!" Brittany hugs me. I don't see her that much so were always excited when we see each other.

"Hi Brit! Hi Santana!"

"Oh my gosh so I just found out that my fondue is full of cat pee. I think a cat peed in it but it can't be Lord Tubbington. He swore he didn't do it and I believe him." Brittany says while drinking her Latte.

"Uh sure, Brit." I say. Rachel said she'll be here so we sit and talk as we wait for her.

"Kurt!!!" Rachel storms in and gives me a hug.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you! How are you feeling?" She asks as Santana and Brittany hug her.

"I'm actually feeling really good! Let's just forget about it. Now we can go to Blaine's performance!" I say as we gather our things and walk outside.

"Me and Brit might just make out the whole time." Santana rolls her eyes

"Be positive!" We arrive at BreadStix and Blaine is already there practicing his piano piece.

"Practicing for your big piece?" I say as I walk up to him

"Yeah I've been here for hours. Hey you okay?" He asks me

"Yeah I'm good! Dont wory." I say to him. Honestly I'm really happy right now.

"Great because I have a little something for you." He smiles. I was about to ask what he meant but Rachel pulls me to a table as the restaurant goes dark.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Thank you all for coming! The recital concert of Music Academy of Ohio will be held here as usual at BreadStix." An old lady says in a microphone

The night starts as 8 students perform their piano and violin pieces. Santana literally made out with Brittany the whole time and fell asleep on her. Rachel and I just talked.

"I guess Blaine is the last one to go." I say as I check my phone. 7:50, oh god can Blaine just perform already so we can go?!

"And for the final performance of the night, Mr. Blaine Anderson." The lady says as he comes up the stage.

"I was originally going to perform a four minute piano solo but after explaining to the staff my intentions, they gladly agreed on me seeing a song for one Kurt Hummel." Wait what?! Did he just say me?!?! I sit up and look around the room, everybody's looking at me! Rachel is smiling as Santana and Brittany wake up. I hear 'awws' and gasps around the room.

"Kurt, ever since I saw your beautiful face, I knew I had to be with you. You are perfect in every single way and I honestly count the number of times you smiled at me. I know that this has been a stressful week for you but I just want to tell you how I feel. Do you remember when I broke into your locker and filled it with a bunch of heart confetti? And I put a note in there?" I quickly nod as I look in his eyes. I cant believe whats happening right now!

"It said 'I like you'. Well..." One of the waiters pulls a rope attached to the door. A bunch of heart confetti exploded from the ceiling and showered me! Rachel, Santana and Brit all scream with delight as I jump around and look at Blaine. Oh god! A note falls on the table and I pick it up.

I love you. xoxo

Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel myself tear up. I can't believe this what?!?!?!

"I have spent my whole life trying to put things into words, I'm not really a songwriter so I just picked a song that really describes how I feel about you. I have cried and laughed and broke down and joked and dreamt about you Mr. Kurt Hummel. I'm that crazy kid who switched schools for his crush, who spent over six months just stalking you until I paid your friend Santana to hook us up, and our friendship grew from that. I think I'm boring everybody so let's just cut to the chase shall we." We all laugh as I look in his beautiful hazel eyes.

"You are my Teenage Dream Kurt." Blaine says to me as he walks to the piano. He starts playing...

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

Oh god I struggle to breathe. I wipe a teardrop from my eye. This moment is so perfect right now! I listen to Blaine's beautiful voice and listen to the words.

You and I, will be young forever

You make me feel
Like I'm living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

I just can't even process what's happening right now! He continues to sing the bridge and I am loving every second of it. He points at me...

Yoooouuu make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back!

Teenage dream tonight!

I run up to him and kiss him on the lips as tears start streaming down my face. We kiss for 10 seconds and I swear I saw fireworks! Everything around us seemed frozen! I smile and break off the kiss.

"I love you back." I say as i stick the note on his forhead. He takes it and a teardrops falls from his eye.

"I have waited for so long to hear you say those words." He said as he holds my hand.

Rachel, Santana and Brittany run up to us and we all hug.

"This is the best gay love story ever! Your welcome! Since im basically the reason why you two are together!" Santana says as she flips her hair

"I'm so happy for you two!" Rachel says as she hugs us. We walk back to the table and order pasta. Me and Blaine basically make out the whole time and I love it!

Blaine's POV

I, Blaine Anderson, would have never thought that this would happen. I finally have Kurt! The kiss. It just electrified me and it made me feel alive! I literally saw fireworks at that very moment. We finish eating our pasta as me and Kurt walk outside while the others talk.

"Oh Kurt." I say while staring into his eyes

"You are out of your mind Blaine! And I love that. I love you." He says

"I love you more." I say as I walk closer to him putting my arms around his waist.

"I may not have been your first kiss, but I will be your last." I say as i kiss him like i will never kiss him again. Kurt smiles and holds my hand.

"We're living a Teenage Dream."

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