Chapter 9: Goodnight Kurt

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Kurt's POV

Rehearsal finally ends and me and Rachel walk out. I see Christian standing by a car as another guy came out.

"Hi! This is my brother Michael, he's going to drive us to my house." Christian says happily as he gives me a hug.

"Oh hi Michael! Can we drive Rachel home too?"

"Oh no silly! I'm just going to walk home with Santana, she's still inside getting her stuff. We might stop at some restaurant." She says. We may not get along with Santana but we still consider her a friend. She just has a mean streak. A VERY mean streak.

"Aw! Okay love you!" I hug Rachel as she whispers in my ear

"Good luck." She giggles as she walks back in the theatre

"Well shall we boys?" Michael says. He kind of looks like Christian but with shorter hair. I'm guessing he's in his 20's. We get in the car and drove for about 15 minutes. We arrive at Christian's house. He opens the door and I almost screamed! It is gorgeous what in the world is happening?! The whole house is covered with pink curtains and way too many candles. He leads me to the living room with a beautiful table for two in the middle.

"I'll leave you two alone. Have fun!" Christian says as he laughs. He walks out the door.

"So do you like it?" Michale says while putting his hands in his pocket

"I LOVE IT!" I say as I jump to hug him

"We may not have a tux on right now but it's still romantic." He pulls my chair out as I sit. He runs to the kitchen and came back with pasta my favorite!

"Here's your dinner my love!" He says as he puts the plate on the table.

"Would you want some apple cider?"

I nod happily. He walks back in the kitchen. This is honestly breath taking! No guy has ever done this for me before! I am speechless ugh this is perfect! The hottest guy of McKinley setting up a romantic dinner for me?! My phone buzzes and I see it's a text from Rachel.

Rachel: tell me everything after!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

I smile and put my phone back in my pocket. Christian comes back with the apple cider and we start the night.

"Tell me about this brother of yours! And where are your parents?" I ask. I would die if his parents see all of this.

"They're in LA right now for some business trip. Which is basically an excuse to go have a vacation. My brother is currently living in an apartment here in Ohio but he will be moving away to LA soon. For the mean time he's been driving me around"

"Ohhh that's nice." We continue to talk for about an hour. We finish our food and we head upstairs to his bedroom. There are rose petals on the bed! This is so romantic! I think about what Rachel said, are we really going to do it tonight?! Maybe I'm just overthinking, I feel Christian hug me from behind.

"You like?" He whispers in my ear. Oh god that sent chills down my spine!

"Oh yes." I say as he pulls me and feel my ass touching his bulge. Okay what is happening right now! We walk to the bed when Christian hits his toe on the corner.


"Are you okay?" I say as I laugh. I guess he ruined the moment but whatever haha.

"Yeah I'm good, I always am! As long as I'm with you." The guy knows how to move me! We lay in bed and cuddle, we exchange stories and thoughts and I just feel closer and closer to him. He hugs me and caresses my legs going all the way in my shorts. I dont protest, I really dont care what this leads to, I just want to be close to him. He gets up as I lay on my back. He gets on top of me looking straight in my eyes. He smirks at me which just drives me crazy! He is so hot! He lays on top of me while kissing my neck, damn it feels good!

"When they do the curtain call on the ending of the show, I'm going to point at you." I say to him in between moans. It's pretty random but I figured I should lessen the sexual vibe. He stops sucking on my neck and sits up to face me.

"About that, see I have a football game that afternoon."

"That's okay! The show starts at 8 and ends at 9."

"But me and the team are going out. It's like a thing where we get out and party after every game." He says

"Well I mean you can obviously cancel. Is your team more important than your boyfriend?" I'm sitting up now.

"I, uh, no! But it's just I cant miss it, it's..."

"Excuse me? Do you know how much that hurts me? So you dont give a crap about our relationship. Why are you even picking between going out with your friends and going to support your boyfriend on his birthday? You shouldn't even second guess that!" I'm yelling now. I have never been this mad at anyone before.

"Kurt listen..."

"No forget it, goodnight." I want to storm out the room and go home but I cant really do anything. I certainly cant just go to any other room. I lay back in bed and turn away from him. He sighs and lays in bed and turns the opposite direction. This is just so unbelievable! How could he! There's so many things going on in my mind right now.

"Goodnight Kurt." He sighs

I feel a teardrop fall from my eye as I fall asleep.

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