Chapter 13: Happy Birthday Kurt

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Blaine's POV

I was in shock when Kurt pointed at me. Wasn't he supposed to point at Christian? I mean they're going out so it only makes sense. I'm so confused, I look at Christian who continued to clap. I can tell he was hurt by it but I couldn't help but smile. He doesnt understand how special Kurt is. He is one of a kind. Christian rushes backstage as I sit for a while trying to process what just happened. I make my way out the theatre to wait for them. I'm guessing we're going to celebrate since it's the opening night and it's Kurt's birthday. They finally walk out and and I see Rachel pulling Santana and Christian holding Kurt's hand. I never really saw them like this, it just breaks me into a million pieces. There was clearly tension going on and I need to ease it up if I want to spend time with Kurt.

"BreadStix!" I yell as everybody runs for the street. We reach the restaurant and we all go inside. We pick a table in the very back so we can be loud without bothering anyone. We all order as we talk about the play.

"I hope no one saw when I stepped on Berry's dress." Santana says as she laughs

"Oh my gosh that was you?! I thought I stepped on my own dress!" Rachel says as she takes a sip of her coke

"Let's face it, nobody really knew what was happenning on stage we just acted like we did." Kurt says while we all laugh. I just stare at him and admire his beautiful face.

"Excuse me guys I gotta go to the bathroom." Christian says as he kisses Kurt on the cheek. I had to look away, it's just too much. Santana watches him go to the bathroom and literally goes nuts once he's gone.

"Okay lady hummel explain yourself! I have been waiting for him to go somewhere so I can literally drill you. Normally I will put you on the spot and ask you questions with him beside you but see it's your birthday and we just had a show so I'll play nice. Now since when did you magically got the hottest guy of Lima, Ohio to be your boyfriend? What kind of witchcraft voodoo magic is this? This is blowing my mind right now honestly like what the hell is happening? What about little Blaine here? I need answers Hummel answers!" Santana bangs on the table and we had to hold the drinks from spilling.

"Santana calm down! Didnt I tell you to wait?" Rachel says

"Ugh im too tired to explain, Rachel, do tell." Kurt says as Santana faces Rachel. Rachel explains how they got together in the quickest way possible. I try not to listen because I'm literally on the verge of having a break down right now. Santana just sits there in shock.

"Well damn! Who knew you could get it that easily! But doesn't Blaine like you?" Santana says as she elbows Kurt.

"Um well yeah but..." I look at Kurt to help me finish the explanation

"But... But we had a very adult conversation about it!" Kurt says. I nod as we see Christian come back from the bathroom

Kurt's POV

It was really awkward having Blaine and Christian in the same room. It was even more awkward when Santana went crazy! The girl really has no filter!

"Well I would like to make a toast because it's Kurt's birthday!" Rachel says as she raises her glass and so do we

"And because it was opening night and i killed it! Well... WE killed it."

"With Berry's cockiness aside I have something for Kurt." Santana says as she takes something out of her purse.

"I know you've been talking about wanting a designer phone case so I decided to buy you a $500 LV iPhone case!" She says as I jump up and down.

"Oh my gosh Santana thank you!" I cant believe she gave me a present! Especially something so expensive oh my!

"Do NOT break it!" Santana warns me as I laugh

"Open mine Kurt!!!" Rachel says

"Oh right right!" I take Rachel's gift out my bag and start opening it. It's a gold ring with a star carved on the middle!

"Rachel oh my gosh!"

"It's a friendship ring! It has a star carved on top and K+R at the bottom. To symbolize our never ending friendship!" Rachel says proudly. She truly is the best friend in the whole world!

"What did Blaine here get for you?" Christian says as he looks at Blaine. I can tell Blaine is uncomfortable with all this.

"I gave him a box of lucky charms with only marshmallows." Blaine says looking directly at Christian. Oh god! I look at Santana and Rachel, things are getting really awkward here.

"What did YOU get me?" I say as i hold Christian's hand. I had to do something to stop this dinner from turning into a fight.

"Oh you'll see!" He says to me.

"It better be nice after being late tonight!" It really better be more than nice because he barely made it to the show.

"It will be baby." He says. I see Blaine look down with a very noticeable sad look on his face.

"Wanky..." Santana mumbles to Rachel. Rachel shushes her. We finish eating and I see Rachel's dads' car.

"Aww I have to leave guys!" Rachel says as she stands up with Santana.

"Yeah me too, Rachel's giving me a ride. Happy Birthday Kurt love ya! Bye guys!" Santana says. We all hug and Blaine stands up as well.

"I think my mom's here too so I gotta go. Bye Kurt!" He says. I smile at him as he leaves with Rachel and Santana.

"We still have two more shows tomorrow Kurt! One at 3pm and at 6pm! Happy Birthday!" Rachel yells as she leaves. Thank god she reminded me because with everything that happened tonight I can barely think straight.

"Ok thanks! Call me!" I say as I sit back down with Christian.

"Okay I waited for them to leave so I can give you your present." He says while taking two bracelets from his pocket. A white one and a blue one.

"These are called Lokai Bracelets. It contains stuff from the highest and lowest points of earth. This white bead has water from Mt. Everest and the black one has mud from the Dead Sea. It symbolizes the life's balance and being positive in it's highs and lows. I figured it would be special for you. It's not really expensive like your friends Santana and Rachel but it's special." He says as he puts the bracelets on my left hand.

"I love it! Thank you!" I hug him and he kissed me. Not on the cheek. He kissed me. Like KISSED KISSED ME. On the lips! I just sit there in shock. I can't move! I just had my first kiss! Oh. My. God. I can't breathe. Did I really just had my first kiss?!?! I look in his eyes as we sit there for 5 straight minutes. I see my dad pull up, ugh damn I have to leave.

"Happy Birthday Kurt." Christian says as I walk out.

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