Chapter 11: The Show Must Go On (Part 1)

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Kurt's POV

I wake up to Madonna blasting my eardrums with Living For Love. I just set her song as my alarm because I need all the empowerment I can get for today. The opening night of Hello Dolly has come and I need to be at my best. I went straight to bed after rehearsals yesterday and told everyone to not text me because I need my rest. I start tweeting about the show and being empowered to be a star. I get crazy like this when something big is coming up like Hello Dolly. I changed Rachel's contact name to 'Dolly Levi' and see that she already changed her twitter name to that as well. I rush to the school bus and to my first period. I need this day to end so I can go to my show! I dont talk to Christian the whole Biology class since I'm saving my voice. Its kind of me and Rachel's thing to be completely mute before every show so it's raw and effortless on stage. Christian understands and just gave me kisses on the cheek while yelling 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' as i write 'no PDA' on my little white board. The day finally ends and I meet Rachel so we can walk together to theatre. We actually talk now since we need to have one last stumble through of the finale and get our costumes set up.

"Okay we can talk now! Happy Birthday Kurt!!!" Rachel says as she hands me a plastic bag

"Is everything set up? I'm so nervous! And thank you!" I start opening to see what she got me

"Dont open it silly! Open it when we go out tonight! And yes, everybody here is going crazy to get the scene changes right on timing. Lets relax while they do what they gotta do." She says as she sits down with me.

"Blaine's coming right?" She asks

"Of course! And Christian too!"

"Oh he is? Doubt it but lets see!"

"Rachel he will come! He even bought a ticket!" I say

"Sure! Totally!" She said sarcastically

"Whatever!" We hang out in theatre practicing our lines over and over again. The clock strikes at 7:45 and I already see people coming in. Christian will be here, he will, I know he will. It's 7:50 now and I see Blaine come backstage.

"Happy Birthday Kurt! I'm wearing pink for good luck!"

"Thank you! Sorry I havent talked to you in a while. I was so busy with this play!" I say. I havent really talked to him for the past few days.

"It's okay! No worries! Is your boyfriend coming?"

"Yeah he is!" I say happily. We hear the announcements before the show, basically informing the audience to not litter.

"I gotta get to my seat but i have something for you!" Blaine says as he pulls something from his bag. He pulls out a bidazzled box full of only marshmallow lucky charms!!!! Oh my gosh!

"Blaine omg! How did you know I wanted these!"

"Well you tweeted about it this morning so I bought three boxes of lucky charms after school and spent 3 hours hand-picking the marshmallows. Happy Birthday! Dont worry I washed my hands." He says proudly. I can't believe he saw that tweet!

Big night for me! #HelloDolly opening night is today and it happens to be my birthday!!! ps. NEED only marshmallow lucky charms! xoxo

"Oh my gosh Blaine this is so sweet! Thank you!" I hug him tight as I start eating the marshmallows. Rachel walks over to us.

"Okay enough chit chat! The show is starting in 2 minutes!"

"Ok break a heel!" Blaine says as he runs to his seat. I look for Christian in the audience, he's not here yet. Maybe its just traffic. I look down at my phone, 7:59. It's showtime.

We get in our places as Rachel walks over to me.

"Did he come?"

"No. Not yet." I say quietly as I look down. She hugs me tight and walks over to her spot.

"Whatever happens, the show must go on Kurt! Make the best of it! This is our moment!" She shouts as the music starts. The curtain goes up and I feel the spotlight and the audience cheering. The show must go on, and it will.

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