Chapter 3: I'm Blaine Anderson

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Blaine's POV

I'm Blaine Anderson, I'm a sophomore who saw the love of my life last year when I came to one of the shows of Footlose in William Mckinley High and saw Kurt Hummel. I just fell in love right then and there and honestly, I've been crazy for him ever since. I was bullied a lot in my old school for being gay and after going to the school board about it, things didn't look like it will be solved. They were sympathetic but I can tell they didnt care. My parents decided to just transfer me to another school and I took the chance! I requested to be transferred to William Mckinley High. It may seem crazy that I'm moving to the exact same school as my crush who I only saw once but it's called living life. I spent the whole first semester of my sophomore year just staring at Kurt as he walks down the hallway. I figured he's kind of friends with Santana Lopez since she came up to me to ask if I liked him. Yes I gave her 50 bucks to talk to him and yes I figured out his locker combination because I watch his every move and yes I put the heart confetti in his locker with the note and yes I spent a whole hour putting a bucket of confetti on top of the theatre door and no I am not crazy.

Santana told me that he has rehearsals on Thursday so I waited outside for three hours to finally talk to him. Its 6:00pm so he should be going out any second. I hear the door open and there he is, that baby face I love so much. Before I even think about what to do I hear myself say...


Oh god what did I just do? I can literally feel my heart beating against my chest. Kurt turns around with a confused look on his face and so does the girl beside him, I'm guessing she's Rachel Berry, everyone has been talking about her getting the lead role in two musicals.

"Yes?" Kurt says. I stare in his eyes for a good 10 seconds before I manage to open my mouth.

"I, uh, I'm Blaine Anderson."

Kurt's eyes widen and Rachel smiles and pats kurt on the shoulder.

"Well I'll leave you two alone gotta go bye!" She speed walks away and I see Kurt roll his eyes.

"So um hi" I say breaking the awkward silence.

"So you're THE Blaine Anderson who likes me and was behind those heart conffetti's and the note! And who allegedly switched schools for me?" He says as I look down looking red.

"Um yes, yes, and yes."

"Well listen, I'm really flattered that you did all of this for me I really am. You're really sweet Blaine." Oh god, those four words are like music to my ear. Well I gotta act quick now, its all or nothing.

"So this is weird but would you want to go grab a coffee some time?" I ask as my heart drops. Kurt smiles and nods.

"Yeah that would be great!" Wait. Did I just ask him to go out with me?! And he said yes?! I cant believe this I am screaming inside! But I gotta look cool, keep calm and keep cool.

"Good so uh can I have your number? You know to plan when to grab some coffee or snacks or you know like um yeah you know like"

"Sure Blaine. Here's my number." He cuts me off as he laughs a little. He types in his number on my phone as he says Bye. He walks away and for the first time in months, I actually smiled.

Kurt's POV

After finally meeting Blaine Anderson, I have to say I was really happy. He is so adorable with those hazel eyes and that cute little bow tie of his. I walk home after i give him my number. I was quite annoyed with Rachel when she walked away but I text her the minute I got to my house.

Me: rachel! you would not believe what just happened!!! omg

Rachel: what happened?! deets please!

Me: if you stayed you would've seen it ugh

Rachel: i had to give you two some alone time! just tell me!!!!!!

Me: ok ok! so i basically told him that it was really sweet what he did for me blah blah blah. long story short, he asked me to go grab some coffee

Rachel: what?!?! that's amazing omfg has he texted you yet?!

Me: not yet but im waiting hahaha

I go downstairs to get something to eat when my phone vibrated. It's from an unknown number! Im guessing it's Blaine.

&@$%#: hi

Me: who's this?

&@$%#: its Blaine

Me: oh hi!

I change the contact name to Blaine, pretty casual.

Blaine: so want to go grab a coffee after school tomorrow? i mean if you dont have rehearsals.

Me: oh sure! i dont, we dont have rehearsals on Fridays

Blaine: okay see you then! so what's up??

Me: im just about to watch the Grammys, i totally forgot i recorded it

Blaine: what is up with Beck?! Beyoncé deserved that award

Me: ikr! ugh whatever im about to watch Mamma Mia

Blaine: oh my gosh i love that musical!

Me: me too!!!

We texted all night until 2am. We talked about so many things from Broadway to competing who knows Barbara Streisand more.

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