Chapter 6: I Wish You Did

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Kurt's POV

As usual Blaine is way too early but that's fine. I rush to our table literally skipping as he laughs.

"Well you're pretty excited arent you? Did Christian Groff ask you out huh?" He laughs for a good 5 seconds as I smile.

"Yes he did oh my gosh!" I say bouncing up and down. I see Blaine's laugh turn into a really forced one, that's weird.

"Oh he did? That's great Kurt!" He grabs his coffee and literally drunk the whole thing in one gulp.

"I know right! You are happy for me right? I mean since you like me and all, you're happy right? We're friends!" I say breaking the really awkward tension.

"Oh of course duh!" He says as we laugh. My phone rings and it's a text from Rachel.

"Oh is that Christian?" He says jokingly

"No no it's Rachel, she's asking if we're at Lima Bean and I just typed yes." I say

"Oh is she coming? I'd love to have a little chat!"

"Yeah she just said she is, we better order her a Latte." I say as I snap my fingers for a waiter to come.

Rachel finally arrives after 10 mins.

"Hi guys!" We say our hi's as Rachel picks up her coffee.

"Kurt will you come outside with me I need help with a scene from the play." Rachel says

"But you don't have a script?" I ask her with a confused look on my face.

"Oh well, thats, uh, because I memorized it duh! I am the star of the show so I memorize my lines by heart." She says as she pulls my arm. I know Rachel inside and out and I can tell she needs to talk to me about something. I look at Blaine and tell him to wait as she rushes me outside.

"You haven't told him about the news yet right?!" Rachel quickly asks

"I did, what's wrong?"

"Oh my gosh Kurt! Why would you do that? I saw him this morning and I can tell he has been crying over the news that Christian likes you! And you tell him now that you and Christian are going out?" She says

"What? Come on! We're being adults here and he seems totally fine with it!"

"Oh my gosh! Just dont bring it up anymore because I know it's hard for him."

"Okay okay!" I say as I put my hands in my pocket. I mean it's not hurting Blaine is it? We're adults here! Whatever.

Blaine's POV

So Kurt and Christian are going out now? It took every bit of my being not to burst out crying in front of him. Why can't he see that I'm holding myself back from kissing him everytime we're together. I'm glad he and Rachel went outside because I really need to get myself together. I feel a teardrop fall, then another, before I know it tears are streaming down my face. I wipe them and run to the bathroom. Kurt can NOT see me like this. I quickly wash my face and walk out to see Kurt and Rachel walking back in the store. I walk up to them with a smile on my face.

"Hey guys I need to go home, my mom just called me, I need to help her with dinner tonight." I say as happily as I can

"Aww it's way too early! Let us walk you home so we can chit chat." Rachel says

"Oh uh sure that would be nice." I say. Kurt smiles at me as we walk out into the street. Rachel goes on and on about Hello Dolly and how she needs to murder that role. She pretty much just talks about herself. Kurt laughs with her and I couldn't help but look down.

"Blaine? Uh blaine?" Kurt says as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah?"

"We were asking you if you would like to attend the opening night of Hello Dolly!" Kurt says as he laughs

"Oh of course I will!"

"Great! It's on my birthday you know so be there!" He says as he jumps up and down. We arrive at my house and we say our goodbyes. I hug Kurt a little too tight, at least I get to hug him.

I go to my bedroom and put Ed Sheeran's album on.

Tell me that you turned down the man
Who asked for your hand
'Cause you're waiting for me

I wish you did.

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