Chapter 12: The Show Must Go On (Part 2)

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Blaine's POV

Seeing Kurt smile at the marshmallows made me so happy. I'm happy that I made him happy! I go to my seat and patiently waited for the show to start. There is one empty seat in the first row, I'm guessing that's Christian's. Where is he? The curtain opens and I see Kurt looking perfect as always.

"Call On Dolly!"

I glance at the empty seat and to the doors as they sing the first song. I dont know anything about their relationship but I know that Kurt needs Christian's support! If I was his boyfriend I wouldn't do this to him, NEVER! They finish the first song and I cheer and scream for them. I had my eye on Kurt the whole time and looked away whenever hes not on stage. He is perfection! I can just look at him all day!

Kurt's POV

Put on your sunday clothes when you feel down and out!
Strut down the street and have your picture took!

I sing as I look in the audience. Act 1 is about to finish and Christian still isn't here. The whole house is packed and there is that one empty seat. I try to ignore it as I get through this song. Act 2 starts as I take a 2 minute break before I get into my scene. Rachel is glowing on stage! Act 2 seemed like forever and Christian was on my mind the whole time. Where the hell is he? The last scene starts as I lose all hope that my boyfriend is coming. I get in our positions for the Finale. This is the part where the most energy needs to be present! I get out on stage dancing and singing, I almost choke to see Christian walking to his seat. I am just full of rage right now, I try my best to ignore him as we finish the very last song. It's time for the curtain call.

I dance my way to the center of the stage and greet the audience. I say my quick greeting and point at someone in the audience. The spotlight is literally blinding me so I couldn't see who I just pointed at. I move my head to see who it was and I see Blaine's jaw drop and he smiles. Wait I just pointed at Blaine! I smile at him and to Christian who is clapping happily. I make my way behind the curtains as the show ends.

"Kurt did you just point at Blaine? I thought you were going to point at Christian? Who by the way literally came 10 minutes before the show ended!" Rachel says as she takes her lashes out

"Yes but I guess Christian didnt notice? I couldn't see so I just randomly pointed! And at least he came!" I say as I take my costume off

"Wait Kurt you're not mad? Your boyfriend basically missed your big night!"

"I was mad at first but I mean he did come! Dont worry about it Rachel it's all good." I say as Christian walks in the green room

"Kurt I'm so sorry! My phone died and I didnt know the time and I was too far and I lost my shoe in the club I'm so sorry I didnt mean to ruin your birthday." Rachel rolls her eyes. Santana has a confused look on her face when she saw me and Christian. She was just about to say something when Rachel puts her hand over her mouth and dragged her out the room.

"Babe it's okay! By the way you're looking right now I know you tried so let's just go and celebrate okay?" He nods and holds my hand. We walk out the green room as Santana stops us.

"Okay let me just ask one question, since when did you..."

"Santana shut up!" Rachel says to her as we walk out the theatre. Blaine is already waiting outside. He smiles at Christian and there is some tension going on.

"BreadStix!" He yells as we all run for the restaurant.

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