Chapter 2: Kurt?

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Kurt's POV

Another week has passed and I'm just thinking about the guy who liked me. I kind of like it that someone actually finds me attractive! Santana never even told me the guy's name so I'm just walking around school trying to spot anyone checking me out. Honestly the only person I would love to check me out is one Christian Groff. He is a sophomore just like me who happens to be sexy as hell AND who happens to be gay! I had my eye on him for a long time now but he doesn't seem to notice me. I see him walking down the hallway and if I'm not making it obvious enough, I want him! I see someone walk up beside me and its none other than Santana ugh.

"Just stop it." She said

"Stop what?"

"Going for guys who will never like you back. I totally just saw you checking Christian out. He is way out of your league! He is the hottest guy in school, he's in the football team and any girl would hop on that if he wasn't gay. Why don't you be realistic for once and go with the guy who actually finds you visually appealing."

"Ok first of all I am not checking him out." Santana rolls her eyes at me and crosses her arms. "And second of all what exactly do you mean by realistic?" I had to ask.

"Well everybody knows your New York dreams are nothing but a bunch of bull crap I mean your incredibly pitched voice and your dancing which makes you looks like you're about to break into pieces doesn't really cut it with Broadway. Now back to reality, you will talk to this guy and have a fabulous gay wedding together. Hurry because once he puts some glasses on he will come to his senses and realize the guy he's been going crazy for in months is actually a flat faced lizzard." The bitch is crazy. I have more talent than her and people would kill for my dance moves.

"Just tell me who this guy is." I say exhaustingly. I need to get to class and end this annoying conversation.

"His name is Blaine Anderson. He is a sophomore and I heard that he transferred schools just to see you more often. I'm sure it seems like a cute little crush but this guy is out of his damn mind. You have to at least give him a chance because if I'm not wrong about his emotionally fragile heart, he will jump off a cliff to his death if you reject him. Good luck lady hummel." She finally walks away and I'm just standing here. This is crazy, HE is crazy but it did make my heart skip to the thought of how much he likes me. Maybe Santana's right, maybe i should start appreciating what's in front of me and forget about unrealistic things. But this is only about the boys, NOT New York.

I go to Biology and zoned out most of the time. The bell finally rings and I go to my locker to get my cute hippo brooch to match my outfit. I open my locker only to be showered with heart confetti and marshmallows. I just stand there in shock as a note falls out.

I like you. xoxo

This is so sweet! And I know for a fact it's The Blaine Anderson. But I'm more concerned on how he got in my locker, creepy. I decide to tell Rachel in rehearsals today since we barely have classes together. I open the door to theatre only to get showered with more heart confetti.

"And who may this be from?" Rachel asks as she walks up to me. We have 15 minutes before rehearsal starts which gives me enough time to tell her everything about Blaine and all the conffeti and the note.

"Omg! Kurt you need to meet this guy! He is literally in love with you!" She says as she jumps around.

"I dont know. I mean it's not like I'm hunting boys down. I'm focused on this play right now, a boyfriend isn't really at the top of my list." Well it isnt but it sure would be nice.

Rachel walks to me and holds me by the shoulders

"Okay Kurt dear, how many guys have talked to you or told you they like you over the past year?"

"Um. Zero?" I say shyly

"Exactly! This Blaine guy may be your only chance of love so why not try it? You have never experienced anything like this and life is all about trying new things!"

"Fine! Can we practice now?"

I try to not think about it as I struggle to perfect this really quick dance break. We practice for three hours and it's already 6:00pm. Me and Rachel decided to walk home since the weather is nice and my dad doesn't get home from work until 7. We walk out the theatre and start walking to the street when...


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