Chapter 7: I Love You

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Kurt's POV

"It's getting dark, why dont you eat dinner at my house tonight?" I say as me and Rachel cross the street.

"Sure! My dads won't mind."

"Omg why don't you sleepover? We can watch old Disney movies together and cry!"

"Of course! We have a lot to talk about anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"Your new boo! And Blaine of course." She says while avoiding the cracks on the concrete.

"If it's hurting him he'll tell me right? Let's call him when we get to the house!" I don't want him to be sad! We finally arrive at my house and immediately rush to the shelves full of Disney movies. We decide to watch Hannah Montana: The Movie. Dont judge! This was my childhood! My dad brought us some popcorns and coke as we snuggle in the living room with our sleeping bags.

"Let's call Blaine!" Rachel suggests

"Sure hold up." I grab my phone and dial his number. That's weird, he's not answering.

"Maybe he's asleep, let's just talk to him tomorrow." I nod as we continue watching the movie...

Rachel and I wake up to my dad smashing two frying pans together.

"I'm not letting you two have a sleepover again on weekdays. Hurry you're gonna miss your bus!" He says as he opens the bathroom door for Rachel and hands her a plastic bag.

"Your dads came by to drop off some clothes for you. Hurry go go go!" Rachel rushes in the bathroom while I get my stuff ready. I'm so excited for today! I cant wait to see my boyfriend! Boyfriend. It feels weird to say it but I'll get used to it.

I walk in Biology and gave Christian a hug.

"Hi!" I say happily

"Hey baby" he says. My heart does all kinds of jumping when he calls me that! I love it!!!

"Okay so you know the play is coming up!" I say to him

"Yep and it's on your birthday!"

"Yes! You're gonna be there right?"

"Of course why wouldnt I be?" He says as he grabs my hand. Damn I love that.

"Yay! The opening night is in 5 days! Promise me you'll be there!"

"Ok ok!"

Blaine's POV

I wake up to three missed calls from Kurt, whatever I'm too drained to call him. Damn I'm almost late for school. I rush to the bus stop and put my headphones on. I'm still not okay from last night, I dont think I ever will. Oh Kurt. I curse in the wind as I get off the bus and survive through the day. I basically just stared into space in all my classes, I sigh as the last period ends. I walk out the room and see Kurt come up to me. Okay Blaine, act happy.

"Hi Blaine! I figured you fell asleep last night, me and Rachel were calling you."

"Oh yeah I did I was really tired sorry." I try to force a smile.

"It's fine, so what's up?"

"Oh nothing I'm just about to go home, its really nice outside so I'm just gonna walk."

"Good because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay sure what is it?" We start walking down the hallway and outside. The air feels so good.

"Rachel was telling me that you were sad about me and Christian's relationship and blah blah blah. I mean you're not sad right? Were adults here and technically were..."

"Yes I am!" I stop to look at him and realized I just yelled.

"Oh um I didnt..."

"Do you think that I would be okay with you having a boyfriend knowing that I have feelings for you? And Christian Groff what the hell?! I have been crying myself to sleep about this and in case you didn't know, i lo-..." I stop and look at Kurt. He is just as shocked as I am right now.


"I need to go." I say as I run into the street with tears falling from my eyes. What have I done? I reach my house, thank god no one's home yet. I dont feel like explaining to my mom why I'm crying. I walk in and take a really long shower. I figured it's necessary considering what just happened. I'm so stupid! I ruined the one and only thing I have with Kurt, friendship. I get out to get dressed and see my phone buzzing.

Kurt: blaine im really sorry. i didnt know that you were hurting. ive been really insensitive and havent been a friend to you. i feel so bad about this please answer

I start typing as I lay on my bed.

Me: its okay. i was out of line. i should be happy for you! i hope i can still come to the show?


Me: i love you

I wake up in the morning with my phone in my hand. I see "i love you" on my message box. I must have typed it last night and forgot to send it. Thank god I didnt press send! That will ruin our friendship! But it's true, i love Kurt, i always will.

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