From Unwanted to Wanted: Draco X Reader

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Your information-

House: Hufflepuff

Blood status: Muggleborn

Happens: Sometime during the late years of Hogwarts

Warnings: Bullying, mentions of abuse, fighting, hitting, self-doubt, angst

Posted on: 08/06/2021

I walk into Hogwarts for another year of school. The summer was torcher my long sleeves gripped my bruised arms tightly making them hurt. I sit as far away from everyone as possible and keep to myself to try not to attract attention. I take deep breaths and watch as the first years get sorted clapping when other houses get students and cheering quietly when Hufflepuff gets a student. Soon sorting is done and we are let out of the Great Hall. I make my way to the hall I like to sit in but in my way, my hood gets pulled and I fall to the ground. "Well if it isn't little L/n" I hear Pansy Parkinson say from behind me. I scurry to get up but am pushed back down. "Not so fast" I hear Crabbe say. I look up to see Goyle in front of me. 'Okay three,' I think as I look around for something to defend myself with. I find nothing and just close my eyes and accept my fate only it never comes instead I hear a voice. "Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, what are you doing?" I look over to see Draco Malfoy walking towards us. 'shit,' I think 'Now it'll be four,' I think as I push myself against the wall. "Oh, nothing Draco just playing around with our punching bag," Pansy says lifting me by the collar of my shirt. I look at him with a terrified expression. "You should give it a try Draco she's easy to hit and doesn't fight back," Crabbe says. Dracos hand goes up and I close my eyes expecting impact only I don't feel it I hear it. I look over to see Crabbe holding his face. "Draco what the hell," He asks "Leave all three of you now," Draco says angrily. They look at each other and nod. "We get it you want the mudblood to yourself, Okay fine you could've just said so," Goyle says before walking away with Crabbe. Pansy drops me my legs giving out and I drop. She walks away. Once they are out of wear shot Draco kneels and lifts his hand I flinch closing my eyes expecting a slap or hit only to feel a gentle touch on my cheek. "Are you okay?" He asks and I open my eyes to look at him confused. I touch his hand and he takes my hand holding it. "Are you okay?" he asks again. I blink a couple of times thinking of the question then I shake my head starting to cry. Draco pulls me into a hug stinging my bruised arms and back without knowing it. I hug back crying into his shoulder. "Shh it's okay I'm here now no one will hurt you anymore I promise you," He says holding me. 

After that day in the hallway, Draco hasn't left my side. People give us weird looks and I get it I mean I'm the unwanted lonely Hufflepuff freak and he's Draco Malfoy the practical prince of the Slytherin house of our year. One day I was walking alone when I'm pushed against the wall and punched across the face. I look over to see Pansy Parkinson. "This is what you get for stealing my Draco, you Brat!" She says. She hits me again and again until I'm on the floor. "You are an unwanted freak Y/n. Just leave Hogwarts already" She says walking away leaving me on the floor bleeding and going unconscious. The last thing I see is Draco's face before the world goes black. 

I wake up to white lights and the feeling of a hand in mine. I look over to see Draco asleep in a chair his head on the bed beside me hand in mine. I smile and lift my hand running it through his hair, which is surprisingly soft. This action unfortunately wakes him up. He opens his eyes and I retract my hand fast. He looks over to see me and smiles. "Hey," He says and I smile too. "Hey," I say. "You shouldn't have stopped that felt good," he says and I smile slowly moving my hand to his hair again and running my fingers through it once more. He hums in approval and I shift in the bed scooting over to the side. I then move my hand from his hair gaining his attention again and pat the space beside me with a small timid smile. He smiles wide and gets up and lays beside me wrapping his arms around me. Somehow it doesn't hurt. I must've had a look because Draco speaks up. "They healed your bruises, all of them," He says and I nod. "Do your parents do that to you?" He asks and I nod again. "It's because I'm a witch and they don't want a witch for a daughter," I say and Draco just nods and holds me tighter. I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 

I wake up again to no one beside me. "Was it a dream?" I ask myself a little disappointed. "Probably... why would someone as handsome as him want anything to do with someone so unwanted," I say aloud again looking down at my hands trying to keep the tears from forming. "Don't you dare believe what she says, don't you dare believe what anyone else thinks about you. You are wanted Y/n" I hear Draco say startling me as I shoot my head up to see him standing at the entrance to my room area. "Draco- I- What? By who?" I ask confused. "My parents hate me, my housemates think I'm a freak, and your friends well we both know how they see me," I say simply. "You're forgetting someone," He says and I think for a second. "You?" I ask and he nods walking over, taking my hands and holding them. "Y/n I'm in love with you, have been since I first saw you smile when you got sorted into Hufflepuff," He says and I look at him shocked. He glances down at my lips then at my eyes and I slightly nod sitting up and inching closer to him. He leans in and soon captures my lips with his. We kiss for what feels like forever but not long enough all at the same time. After a while, we have to pull away for air and we look at each other. "Y/n let me protect you, let me be your boyfriend," He says and I smile nodding and saying yes happily smiling for the first time since my first year. 

After I'm released from the hospital wing Draco walks me to dinner. Once we walk in before we go to our separate tables Draco kisses me in front of everyone as if to say I'm his and if anyone hurts me they will be sorry. It worked too, Pansy left me alone, Crabbe and Goyle avoided me at all costs, and my housemates started to treat me better. Maybe school won't be so bad.

Extra: Once we graduated Draco and I got a house together and I cut all ties to my family which made them happy, Draco stopped talking to his Father too. He keeps in contact with his mom which I don't mind. She doesn't mind my blood status as much as his father did. 


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