One: Guess Who?

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Waking up to the sounds of "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" my ringtone that I set for my alarm. It's just 10 in the morning but I had work to do. Being a best selling author in Chicago, was my greatest dream. But I wanted more, I wanted to create something that people would understand.

I stretched my arms as much aching bones popped and I grabbed my phone. My boss called me six times within the last three hours.. I called him back, I was already frustrated.

"Hello?" He said as I kicked the cover off of me, "Good morning to you too sir." I said.

"Chasity.. I have been calling you for almost three hours.. I need to know what your decision is already.. it's been two weeks!" He almost yelled.

"Tank look, I am not just some poor writer.. I am so backed up already and I still have chapters to write for my teen fiction book, "The Don"  what's the difference between all these people who requesting me but it's not to my fashion?" I asked.

"Listen you are the biggest there is in this town and your writing is your ticket out of here. Your mother would have been proud. Can you just come and hear the deal out. It's very promising. I can't keep this client waiting." He said.

"What's the difference between this dude or woman that I have done already. And yet.. no famous publisher in California haven't called me yet. What the hell Tank." I said.

He huffed and puffed, "Just come down here and make it quick.. the person is coming. And I don't have money to waste.. neither do they." He said.

"They? Who is the person?" I asked getting up.

"Just get here please!" And he hung up.

"Ugh.. fuck my life right now." I said as I grabbed a picture of me and my mother. She ended up on crack and my father died on me. My life has been sucking besides many people who came to book signing events. Its never been anywhere close to Los Angeles but it was good enough for money coming in and building my bank account.

I didn't do it for the money because I had some from working all the days and nights, plus my mother leaving me everything she had...but I really wasn't happy and having money never excited me.

I walked to the closet and pulled out an outfit. I laid it on the bed and then ran me a hot shower. I took off my nightgown and hopped in. Washed everything from my hair to my toes. After 10 minutes I was out of the shower, brushing my teeth and then I did my hair.

My mother was black and my dad was a desent of Indian. I had curly hair and anytime it was wet, my curls became curls. I blow dried and strengthened my hair, letting it hang. I'm so glad I was single.

After I got dressed, I walked down to the kitchen to grab me a cold coffee from the fridge and I grabbed a breakfast bar.

I locked my house up and got inside my car. I traveled down the streets of Chicago. I had to meet up with my boss and he wanted me to uphold a task that he's been waiting on me to respond to. It has already been two weeks and I was undecided. My name is Chasity Banks and I am an author. I wrote children's books, autobiographies, erotica and romance novels.. you might as well say all of the above. I am a best time seller yet in this town but my books were like a gold mine to me. I drove down the block and a half because now..I am soon to be late.. and made it to my job in less than ten minutes.

I parked the car and almost jogged in my six inch heels to get to the elevator and headed up to the office. Once I get there, I headed straight to his door and I knocked three times.

"Come on in!" He yelled as I walked in. I sat down on the chair and crossed my legs.

"Chasity, My favorite writer.. you made it I see. " he said as he looks at the clock. I was almost late.. five minutes late.

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