Twelve: Something Magical (Very short)

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I never thought in a million decades that I would be in this life. With Michael, he was starting to mean everything in the world to me. I laid next to him tonight as we sat back watching Minions. Earlier it was Mary poppins and peter pan, his favorite.

We had room service bring the snacks and I completely forgot we were in a different time zone and Michael could stay up late because of his adrenline after every show. He had told me since then that it started in his early age at eight years old back when the Jacksons hit Motown. Earlier today Michael sat outside on the balcony for awhile, while I showered. When I got out he was smiling from the side of his head and I wondered what he was smiling about.

" Michael?" he stopped and looked at me smiling.

"Yes. What's wrong?" I shrugged.

"You okay? I am not trying to be rude but you looked sad for a moment while standing outside."

"I- no, I was actually admiring the moon, its so beautiful tonight and along with Japan lights. Come on, I'll show you."

He grabbed my hand beforehand, wiping his hands off from the chips he was eating. He opened the door and we walked outside.  The cool breeze settled across my skin as we looked over the horizon and boy he was right.

"Wow this is amazing. Michael, this is beautiful. Do you get into many beautiful places like this?"

"Yes, I actually can't wait to travel the world and so far this isn't the end. My days and nights have been amazing since you been here with me. I want to thank you so much. "

I smiled and then i looked down.


"I have never thought that I would meet such an amazing person in the world."

Michael comes closer to me and lifts my face towards his as he smiled. Looking at my lips, he licks his and heaven knew if I could have resisted this.. I couldn't.

Our lips smashed into each others and it was like the annual moon dance followed with fireworks. I held on to him closer as the kiss deepened. He holds on to me like his life depended on it and kissed me even harder.

Pulling back to catch our breath, a tear ran down my cheek. He is an awesomer kisser, only someone who was less than a person couldn't say they felt what I felt tonight.

I almost felt light headed as I kept my eyes closed for awhile. Feeling dazed right after trying to regain my composure. Giggles from Michael made me open my eyes. He stood from a far, touching his lips and smiling but a shy smile.

"I never kissed anyone like you before." He said. I nodded speechlessly therefore realizing what just happened, I couldn't help it.

"Uh.. well. Me either. That's was a superstar kiss rather... from a superstar."

He comes forward and grabs my hands. I held on to them like my life depended on it.

"Michael I wanted to know if you wanted to write some more of your book?"

"Nah, I am enjoying too much of this to stop now. Don't be shy girl, I won't bite... unless you ask."

I laughed, "Michael why are you whispering?"

"Because I can do that, now. Let's finish the movie now."

He grabbed my hand and we went back inside. He closed the door and we relaxed.

To be continued..

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