Eleven: The Experience

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Tonight was the night. Me and Michael arrived a few hours early so he could rehearse for the show. I dressed up in a pair of leggings, an "MJ Bad" sweater and some boots. It was a little cold while arriving to the station before showtime. I was with Frank and Michael had went to gather the background dancers. And I understood that his concerts were always jam packed and everyone goes crazy.

I met everyone including his hair and make up stylist. She was really sweet then his clothing designer was here and he picked out some flashy items for him to choose from.

He chose a silvering gray shirt with a buckle belt around his waist

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He chose a silvering gray shirt with a buckle belt around his waist. The make up artist licked her lips as she fixed his hair and put his name up on. " Your a beautiful girl. Hey Mike where did this one come from?" She said.

"Why? I want to keep that to myself. I mean she is...-" before he could finish, Frank walked in. "Just what we need.. Mike-" he paused lighting that nasty ass cigar, "It's about time you settled down. Your young son!" He said.

"Frank you making me nervous." Michael said as he turned in the chair. His face was as red as tomatoes. "Oh and Tatiana is going on stage because Cindy called out." As soon as he said that, I thought Michael's head was about to explode. "There was no one else to fill in her place?" He asked.

Frank shook his head, "She was the last minute call and she knew the moves just like Cindy taught her." He said. Michael scoffed.

I walked outside to meet up with Michael's bodyguards to get seated high up to watch the show. While I walked, a slim girl walked really fast and bumped into me.

"Watch where you walking bitch!" I turned around quickly, "Excuse me? Who the fuck you think you talking to?" I said as Michael's bodyguard got in between us. "Imma celebrity hoe and what are you? A groupie?" She yelled. Frank came out and saw the rukus, "Hey! Hey now! What's going on?" He yelled.

She turned around, "Hi Frank thanks for letting me fill in for Cindy, I was best for it anyway. Oh and missy or who ever you are.. I am Michael's personal confidant. So stay away from him." She said as she flipped her tired looking curly hair and walked to hair and makeup. "Tatiana that's enough!! Tonight is not the night!" Frank said as he walked along the side of her to tell her to get it together.

"Bitch!" I said as I walked down the opposite direction before my blood started to boil. I followed them to the high rise case where there was a seat for about four people. My guess was for the vip section. The show was about to begin in less than an hour and the audience came almost about to knock each other down to get as close as the could to the stage. However it was blocked off.

I sat there deep at thought. What the hell did she mean by "His confidant" but I shook it out as much as possible. I had to get myself straight to enjoy the show. She made my night bittersweet, i shouldn't feel like this but I had to be honest. I was falling for Michael every second of the day. And I can't help but get offended.

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