Fourteen: Just Good Friends?

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It is now November and we have settles from Japan to now Sydney. I have been with Michael for two almost three months. He had one huge show here and Michael had to meet his brother in town while we were here.

"All I'm saying is I'll meet you there. I have someone I want you to meet anyway. K bye." We were in the hotel taking a break from moving. Thank Goodness! We were in the middle of a good lunch that Michael ordered. Small salmon fillets with lemon and a mixed salad. Gosh it was amazing! This experience was still a dream to me. If only I had a family that I could really share this experience with.

"Uh Chasity?" I looked at him with a sense of urgency, just a little. He smiled then he swallowed hard before speaking. My eyebrows furrowed a little. "Bab- Michael what's wrong?" I said realizing what I almost said. I hope he didn't catch it.

"So my brother is passing through but it's him, his wife and my three nephews. Want to meet them with me, my nephews are going to spend the night with us... and it's gonna be fun!" He said as my eyes widen a little bit.

"Awww I'm going to meet Tito too?!" I squeaked and moved my hands as if I was going to scream but I made no noise. I don't know what happened but I laid back feeling like I was about to explode. This will be the second of the Jackson's I will ever meet. Taking three breaths at a time, Michael grabbed a magazine and in two seconds he was fanning me. And he giggled but it was all out of love.

"How old are his sons?" I said finally opening my eyes looking at him deeply. He smiled . I felt like I was in a dazed because I finally gathered the courage to touch from his curls to his face and he closed his eyes for a moment. Then He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"They are twelve, ten and seven. They are just like me though, they love to have fun and I already have a place in mind. Tito and his wife need a night to themselves so why not let them be with me. My show is two days away here so one night with them won't hurt.. the suite is big enough for all of us.  Come, let's finish eating and don't think I didn't here you call me baby. It's okay babe, I liked it." He said.

So we headed out to Darling Harbor it was another loft hotel and it was pretty busy. The streets heavily with traffic and Michael had on a face mask to hide from the people in the area. He called Tito.

"Hey come to the back door, meet me. I want to be inconspicuous... damn Tito! I don't want the people to see me.. slow ass! K bye." He said. He shook his head and then looked at me.

"If your wondering, I am smiling under this hot ass mask. No worries okay, my precious." And then he touched my face as I laughed a little. Not him reciting , Lord of the rings.. As we arrived in the side entrance, we hauled ass in there with the paparazzi standing around and people screaming. They were everywhere. They were like a magnet..welcome to the life of a superstar.

A tall slinder man with an Afro was standing near check out. He turned and there he was Tito. I paused watching them two hug each other while I stayed in utter shock. I couldn't believe my eyes. They hugged each other and then he didn't pay attention to how far back I was until he reached his arm out. "And this is.." was all he said before turning to see me standing there. He strides back to me. "Chas, come on. You good? Come meet my brother." He said. He grabbed my hand and we walked to him. His eyes traveled down my body and he flashed his smile.

"I'm Tito Jackson, Michael's brother! You are beautiful." He said. I brought out my hand for him to shake and he pressed his lips on to my hand.

"Uh, Tito! Uh- uh aaaht! Nope." Michael said taking my hand and his hanker chief out his pocket, wiping my hand. I laughed. "It's not funny Chas, bro you is married. Where my nephews at anyway?" He asked. Tito burst out laughing, I mean he litterally cried at Michael's reaction to him kissing my hand.

"You funny man! Come on...they crazy tails is up here. You know, me and Delores thank you for allowing them to stay that night. They been everywhere since we told them you were coming to get them, Taj couldn't even sit down!" He said and they both laughed.

Once off the elevator, I held on to Michael's hand for comfort and Tito led the way. "So are y'all like together for business or y'all a thing?" He asked. Michael answered because I was tongue shy.

"Both, this is my woman." He said boldly clearly making his brother jealous. He stopped and looked at both of us. "Hm...really?" He asked and I looked at Michael who nodded with the biggest grin I have ever seen. "Yep. This my lady and sir we need to move along." He said using his finger to "shoo" his brother forward. No sooner we got to the door of the suite, laughter boomed on the opposite side of the door. Once Tito opened the door, there was a whole pillow fight occurring and a pillow went smack in my face.

I caught it and then I hit Michael with it and ran into the room. The kids were playing while we all just tackled each other with the pillows. It had only been ten minutes and we all lost ourselves into the pillow fight. "Okay! Guys calm down! Whew! Child!" Delores said, taking the pillows and shooing the boys away to put their shoes on. They're shouting and screaming  "yay" in the process.

"Sorry." I said picking up three pillows. I handed them to her. "You must be Chasity and no worries. Y'all will probably loading up soon huh?" Michael starts immediately coughing up something  bad and we looked at him. Damn orange juice.

"Hehe.. we are just really good friends for now. I'm writing for him." I spoke almost looking down. "There's nothing wrong with that, the other women just screwed him over. Your books are truly amazing! Stay strong and wise through all this. It's a handful being with a superstar because of this crazy world. I know because I am married to his brother." She said giggling.

I laughed along with her assuming that I aced the likeness of her. "Thank you and I will do the best that I can." It was very amusing. No sooner than that the boys came running with their shoes on, almost knocking their mom down giving her a hug. 

TJ, the youngest walked up to me and stuck his hand out. "Are you a celebrity too?" He was so cute asking and I didn't want to lie. "No, I'm a friend of your uncle." I said and his eyes sparkled.

"Oh, your going to have fun with us too! Yess!" He raised his arms, slightly dancing in the progress. Then the other two rather came and hugged me. They each said their name and walked closely with us.

"Okay you guys ready?" Michael asked. They all shouted and we were on our way. Taj and Taryll walked with Michael and little Tj clung along with me.  Let the fun begin!

End of the chapter...shall I continue?

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