Seven: Trip

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I woke up today feeling refreshed, I had my maids get everything shining and good looking today. I had a visitor upstairs sleeping, well my love. What cradles me, is how beautiful and shy she really is. I really felt like I found the right woman for this project really. My insides growled and I really felt like my the way of the woman was for food.

I went to the kitchen and asked the maid to cook something delightful. "Can you make something special for me?" I asked and my  main guy nodded, "Of course, Mr. Jackson. Right away sir." He said as he went to my other cooks.

I smiled brightly as I went upstairs to wake up my special friend, Chasity.

I walked along the staircase deep in thought, "What if she becomes out of hand?" I said to myself but I shook the thought because I felt in my spirit that she wasn't like that.

I walked to her door and carefully knocked. "Come in." a groggily Chasity said as I opened the door and I seen her wearing my favorite color jumpsuit pajamas. She rubbed her eyes and she looked beautiful in the morning.

"Good morning? May I come in?" I asked and she nodded with a pretty smile following behind.

"Good morning Mr- I mean Michael." she sat up carefully covering herself up a little bit as I sat down on her bed.

"I have something that I wanted to ask, I know that I have already stated that I wanted you to come on the tours with me. So, we are heading for Japan."I said as she almost screamed, she covered her mouth.

"Your kidding? Japan, Japan.. really?" She asked again this time her eyes shinned like a disco ball and I nodded.  She grabbed the pillow next to her and screamed in it. I had no choice but to laugh.

"Oh my God! I am so excited!!" She reached out and pulled me into a tight hug and I giggled. "Thank you so much again for the opprotunity." She said as she held on a little longer. It felt good with her skin against me. The smell of lavender and coconut filled my nose, "Your welcome. Anything for you. You deserve it." I said as I caressed her back and then she lets go.

"You have any more screams left in you?" I asked her. "Nah, I think I am done for now. Are you ready for the next chapters as well?" she asked and I loved the vibrant energy.

"Not at the moment, would you join me for breakfast?" I asked and she nodded along with a giggle. "Yes, I just have to shower and find something to wear." she said and I almost jumped out of my skin. Her natural glow however did something to my body that I couldn't explain and my dick started to jerk a little in me.

I nodded and walked out as quickly as possible almost embarrased at how my dick was about to arrise to the occasion of seeing her in no clothes at all. I panicked and walked out, closing the door behind me.

I laid my head against her door as I hear her humming. I smiled widely at how her voice even sounded. "You will be mine, doll. I promise forever with you." I said as I walked slowly away with my mind a million miles away.


"Oh my gosh!! Breakfast with Michael.. can this get any better? I have to pinch myself." I said as I got ready. I took the liberty of pinching myself and I held in a scream.

"Damn Chasity." I said as I rubbed the spot on my arm. A small red bruise was forming and I palmed my forehead. I finished getting ready as I looked at myself in the mirror. "Okay, here goes nothing. I will try not to pass out again." I said as I checked out my body, blowing myself a kiss in the mirror and walked out the room. However, I didn't know where the kitchen was.

I walked along the hallways viewing all the statues and paintings that were hung up on the walls. I traveled down the next set of stairs and ended up near a library. I got confused but I took a look at the massive collection that he had. I was hoping that I wouldn't get in trouble.

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