Four: Neverland

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We were at least two or three hours on the flight. I was catching up typing of a few chapters of my own as Michael was reading a book, (One of mine), while snacking on some chocolate. My moonwalkers senses kicked in, I had forgot junk food was his favorite. I looked at him as he sat next to me, he opened a pack of Reese pieces and crunched til the break of dawn. It was adorable, I could tell he was enjoying them besides a few "mms' awws'" as he read my book.

I cleared my throat, "Um- Michael?" I said as he finished swallowing, "Hmm.. huh?" He looked at me. I smiled, "Um, what genre will I be writing? We haven't got into detail." I said. He seductively licked those juicy lips, " Well.. I want to get settled in first before we discussed things. I- um, I want you to get comfortable first. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Of course! I think I may enjoy this vacation!" I said smiling. His eye twinkled and a broad smile formed across his face, "I know you will as well as me." He said as he winked and continued reading. I took a breath, I had at least one more chapter to write. I had to get this in to the editor and call the publisher to get the cover straight. But I had to wait until we landed to call them. I closed my laptop, satisfied.

I couldn't understand why Tank said those things to me and it bothered me on how he complained about how Michael is just a superstar. Did I mention everything was perfect on him? Tank was just a jealous soul and I didn't want him to ruin this moment for me. I was way past liking him and this time I wasn't saying yes to going on with him.. Period!

All of a sudden the chewing stops and I hear heavy breathing. I look over to Michael, he looked at me, "Chasity.. it's going to be an erotica romance." The look of dark lust, cascaded over his face and my breath catches in my throat. My breathing almost got heavy and I almost start to sweat.

"Oh shit!" I thought as I looked away with flusted cheeks, balling up my lip and it followed with a small chuckle from him.

"Can you handle it?" He asked. I took a small breath and looked back at him, "Of Course!" I said smiling. He winked again and continued on his small snack.


We arrived to the airport, the crowds were forming as we landed. Michael had place a black mask over his face as we were getting things together to get off. He put his shades on and his coat and I did the same. Packing up my laptop and my tablet,  I fixed my hair a little bit from the jet ride. The security were rounded up outside the doors and the stairway. The same way my nerves were before I got on here, came back.. butterflies.

Michael comes my way and holds his hand out, "Is it okay to hold your hand?" He asked. I was a little nervous because of the contract but what will just hand holding lead to? "Yes, I would like that." I shyly said. He smiled that same hot ass smile, across his face. I slid my small hand in his and we walked hand in hand out the doors.

As we carried on down the stairs for a moment I forgot who I was with. "Michael! Over here!!", "Who's the lucky woman, she's beautiful!" , "Michael, I love you!" Was all that was heard in the matter of about ten minutes. He waved and blew kisses at a few fans as we head into the limo. Our bags were already in the trunk we still had about another hour before we get to Neverland.

*One Hour Later*
1:00 pm.

The excitement on the inside made me feel warm. Chasity was really calm and collected. I loved the shyness and the blushing. It turned me on and had my blood on fire. She handled herself very well and that was something I wasn't used to. It took a lot for me not to fuck her in every area on my private jet including the restroom. My sexuality was at a high for her and I never felt this way about someone..someone like her.

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