Two: Meet In Time

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Chapter Two
7:15 a.m.

I woke up the next morning and the excitement killed me on the inside. Here I am, a writer in Chicago and now I am moving in with the King of Pop at his Ranch. I wasn't sure whether I was about to have a massive heart attack or a stroke. Its every girl's dream to be near their idol but oh my gosh.. living with him?? I unlocked my phone to see ten text messages from Tank.. all of them telling me to follow the fucking rules. I swiped out every last text. Then I went to my personal gallery and pulled up a picture of Michael. Those dazzling curls, caramel skin and each film of sweat on his face.. Gosh.. and I have to write for him.. What the fuck.

I couldn't help but to think about that last paper that my boss made me sign, was because he "liked me" I don't even know why because he wasn't giving me shit but cold glares, lines of disrespect but my writings tell more of the story and how I feel on the inside... oh my gosh!! Why would Michael choose me out of all the best time sellers that are out there.. then it hits me...

I had wrote a book on how my childhood was. I went back on how my father beat me and my mother tried to save me multiple times only for her to get abused back. I wrote about tough love and how it's hard to find someone to love. But there were multiple books that I wrote and got published. Some were comedy, black romance, erotica, sad memoirs.

I looked at the clock.. damn 7:30 am. "Oh fuck!" I yelled as I hurried up and jumped out the bed. I had to be ready by 9 am. And knowing us women, it takes a minute to get the flat irons on, make up and clothing out. Making sure I looked good not only for my face but my fat ass too. Hehe. I pulled out everything that I needed including a nice pair of black pants, black strapless top with a cool sweater that looked like a coat that tied in the front like a robe. All settled with my favorite five inch heels. "Professional attire huh?" I though to myself. This was going to be a long journey.


I couldn't really get Chasity off my mind, she was so beautiful. I thought quite that her almost fainting in my arms was sexy to me. Her dazzling hazel eyes beaming in mine, he curvy body and the extra weight pursued her elegant features. The life of me, I hope this works, her boss Tank tried this same shit with four different women but they failed. Some of them didn't want to work and half of them tried to take advantage of me. And yet, Chasity was different she didn't jump, she just passed out little. The rest kept trying to pounce on me and they had to get banned from being no more than 1000 feet away from me.

I didn't sleep like normal but I did manage to build a song, it was sleepless nights and the adrenal days for me. Just from years of being the same as I was as a child really stuck with me. I was proud of who I was, finding love is the hardest. Finding some one who will love me through all that I am was important but sometime with being in the show business, it wasn't easy. However, I tried this love shit before with this woman named Tonya.

When me and Tonya first met I was in Germany and she came to see me perform. She was a pretty girl too and she came with her friend. With backstage passes they came to see me and I grew fond of her early and when I say early... it was too soon. She became a stalker and wanted to find out everything I did. Knowing that I traveled almost halfway around the world already, she blew my phone up, Frank's phone, the industries' phone, just to see if I was there and it almost ruined everything I worked hard for. She stayed at Neverland but she never was the excited type of woman. I would do for her and she would except but to what limit does a fucking woman have.

The jewelry, the clothes, the shoes, the date night whenever I was home. But she never appreciated it. She threw so much fuckingv shade but was always worried about who I was with or why I was spending so much time, away from the house. Forgetting that I was a performer, it took almost two years for me to ban her ass and get her out of my system.

Her love for me was toxic and she was very disrespectful to everyone. For now, I vowed that I wouldn't fall in love and I will still keep my guards in place. From the looks of it, Chasity was very different but different was good.

I had my bag packed for the trip back to Neverland and I had to meet Chasity at the airport. The woman was fire and I wanted to keep that flame brewing, I will keep it professional but big mike, got other plans down there. Just the thought of her under me again, made the blood rush through the veins in my pants. I took a deep breath and shook my head.. very bad impression of have my dick try to poke out my pants once I see her again.

I can't even remember the last time I fucked besides about two weeks ago and they were twins. The both gave good ass head though but that's in the past. This time, if I ever get another boner in which will be soon, I'll have to finished myself off in the bathroom.

We had about a day and a half on my private jet and I had to make sure that she was comfortable. It wouldn't hurt to get to know who I am moving into my home with me but for my own personal reasons, I want to feel her energy just like I feel in her books. I actually had one of them with me, Called, "Shell's Dilemma" I was halfway through it and it was hot. This woman could write a fucking book, I don't even know how many boners, I got just from reading it.

As I finished up straightening up everything and making sure I had everything, there was a knock on the door.

"Hold on..!!" I said as I zipped my bag up and walked to the door. Charleston, my driver was suited and ready. "Excuse me, Mr. Jackson, are you ready?" He said calmly.

I nodded, "Of course.. is the security blocked on the sides so I can come out?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled with his eyes closed. "Yes sir. We will take the elevator down and head straight out from the side door." He said.

I grabbed my bag and put my shades on. I made sure that I had everything that I needed and walked out. I gave the happy manager my room key and an autograph. I bid him bye and walked towards the elevator.

I took a deep breath as we traveled down, I put my mask on and once the elevator dings. We traveled out, the fans were within distance as I waved and we all walked down the hallway to the side entrance. I scurried inside the car and the fans were screaming my name. This was my life so far and now, I travel to my jet.

I got to my jet in a nick of time. Chasity to my knowledge was on her way and besides.. that lame ass contract that Tank had her sign.. was a fake but what she didn't know.. he did this to the last four women..

To be continued..

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