Eight: Opening Up ❤️

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Four days later...

We hit the jet riding to Japan and I was hella excited. Michael on the other hand was focused, sitting by the window, looking through some papers in which I assumed was his lyrics. Then a few times, he started beatboxing and it was so cool to watch. Then he looked at me and he blushed.

I waved and he smiled, "Hehe hi." he said back. "This is my process, oh wait- you don't know do you?" He asked. And I shook my head, "No I don't but you have mad beat boxing skills." I said as I giggled. He waved me over to sit with him as he sat up and I walked over to him. That smile never left as I sat in the seat.

I balled my lip up trying hard not to cheese real bad. "You know you can always smile Chas'. Its a harmless thing." he said as I looked at him this time blushing.

"So, I am very different because instead of listening and trying out different beats on hand, I can beatbox how I want my own sound, dynamics the whole works. And then once I find the right pitch and match it up closely enough it becomes my sound. I can show you one night in the studio. Your going to love Frank, he's going to meet us there." He said.

"Frank?" I asked and he nodded while his tongue crossed over his bottom lip. "My manager and friend, he's like a dad to me though." He said after smiling. I nodded, "Okay."

"So here's the plan, we with have a whole presidential suite to ourselves and I'll just crash on the couch well, the couch bed. And you take on the bedroom." he said.

"Uhh, Michael, I don't think it would be fair for you to take the couch, I mean. That's the lowest you could do for me, I could take the couch. You need rest, not a neck cramp." I said and he laughed. "No, I wouldn't have a neck cramp, I could sleep pretty much any place if I could." he said.

"But what do you mean "If you could? You don't rest?" I asked concerned. "I actually can't, by the time I get home, that's normally when I rest. I can't hardly sleep during tours because my adrenaline be so high and don't get me wrong, it is amazing. But once I get home, I am relaxing. That's when I rest. But this tour is going to be a month here and the a straight three months in Germany." he said as I looked at him.

Despite of the excitement, this killed me on the inside, how he couldn't get any sleep like a regular person. And yet, I couldn't blame him, for him to be the biggest star on the planet, by him being a star at a young age, I imagine that he couldn't sleep hardly at all.

"I think I would sleep better while I am with you." He said and my eyes grew wide. "Um,-" I spoke. "Just an honest thing, I think it's the sleeping alone too. I just-" He paused as if he was trying to think of what to say.

"Chastity, I am actually starting to like you. You are the most easy going person that I know and the fact that you wanted to do this for me, makes me happy and I am glad to have you with me, I am not lonely." he said.

"I appreciate you having me Michael. This is just crazy how we met and how I am still looking at you its so unreal. Being in a world feeling and seeming like you are alone, is a bad feeling. Its like there's no one there to catch you when you fall or make you feel special." I was pouring my heart and soul out to this man.

"You must have been through this before?" he asked. "Yes, when death hit home the way it did, I had one boyfriend but he damn near played me. I thought I had a backbone. And I have been single ever since." I said as I looked back in his direction.

"Heart break is very hard. I got my heart broken too many times. I just have to take it easy." He said as he looked at me. "You have got your heart broken?" I asked. Being submitted by his words I accepted how sincere and calm he was trying to console me by describing his love potential it to be broke on the inside.

"I don't want to know what happened this is a happy moment. And now that I know this, I just want this to be a bright experience for the both of us." I said as I touched his chin and he looked at me. "That's why I set up a dinner date for us in Japan." He said.

I smiled, "Aww come on. You didn't? " I said as he looked at me. " You have no idea. I am Michael Jackson. And I am showering you with some new clothes especially going in dates with me. But-" he said as he paused to lick his lips. " I know that gifts are not everything for a relationship. " He said unexpectedly.

A relationship? How was that supposed to come out of his mouth flowing free like that? I did know how this was supposed to be a relationship but maybe he was just venting.

"Yeah you're right.. it's the small things that do it." I said and he nodded his head smiling.

Two hours later..

We were inside the car, heading to our hotel room. Michael and I was surrounded by the crowds snapping pictures and practically running to the black car. We were holding hands and it was something about the warmth that touched my insides.

Once we make it inside, we were almost out of breath.


Chasity is making my body go wild. Her face, her hair and her smell turns me on to a level I have never been. She was kind, smart, funny and very talented. I wanted to take my time however my mind is troubled because of Tatiana. Frank had informed me before we left that she was in Japan and I hated for anything shallow and embarrassing to happen to Chasity. I also didn't have time for those stupid tabloids.

This was my time to be me infront of her. She was the beautiful woman that I dreamed of having. It hasn't been a week yet but she did things that I couldn't imagine. I wanted to spend so much time with her as I could. When I think about how much I went through with my exes, including Tatiana, it makes me feel scared to really try because I wish so much that I wasn't broken and lonely.

"You okay." She asked. I blinked back, not realizing that I was daydreaming and in my own zone. I looked back at her and she almost looked worried. "Yes I'm okay. I was just thinking about something." I said.

"Oh. Okay, so we are heading to a grand hotel. You always get nice hotels?" She asked.

"Yes basically, I could have the world if I wanted to but I would rather give the world to someone special. " I said as she giggled and she blushed.

After a few minutes, we got to the hotel around back. Fans got work of my coming and we're everywhere along with police that were holding them back. I gave the piece sign, blowing kisses, and waving.

Chasity placed a hat over her head and she looked beautiful. "You look good in that hat by the way." I said as she punched my arm laughing. "It's not funny." I laughed along with her. It was good to see her opening up to me more.

We rushed out in the back. There were two sections block off as the security and guarded us inside. We made inside the hotel elevator as cooped up as we was. Chasity was close up against me. Her ass was against my dick as I tried to remain still.

I leaned in carefully not to touch her and I inhaled her scent of Japanese Cherry blossom lotion she put on earlier. I had my shades on so nobody could tell through these dark shades that I was at least inching to see her back side.

Once we got off the elevator, we headed in the direction of the presidential suite. Chasity stayed  close by me as we held hands going to the suite. The manager bid us hello and unlocked the door. It Chasity was beyond shocked.

I couldn't imagine picking a better girl...

End of the Chapter..

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