Five: New Setting

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As we sat on the barstools together, awaiting a good lunch, I got a little nervous. It wasn't because I was about to write, it wasn't about the book I was writing. But because it was an Erotica Romance that I was going to write for the King of Pop. I stared off in silence as I took in every glance of the huge kitchen, every pot, pan, staff were doing their thing and they loved their job. I knew that when Michael hired them they had to try so hard to not scream. I think I have a date with my pillow later tonight. That's when the, "I can't believe I am here" scream  comes in next.

As a tap, falls on my shoulder, I snapped out of my trance. Michael's sensitive eyes looked directly in mine, a casual lick-lip and a smile followed.

"I'm sorry did you say something?" I said and he chuckled. "Yes, I actually did." He said as I smacked my hand to my shoulder. "I am so sorry, I was just-" I cleared my now dry throat. He knew exactly why I couldn't talk clearly because he laughed after. "I admire your kitchen, everything is gorgeous." I said after a few attempts to get it all out.

"Chasity take a breath, here." He said as he handed me a small glass of water and I cleared my exceptionally dry throat. "Hehe.. that's never happened before. I don't really know how to react but I guess this is how to do until I get used to it. You just don't understand how bad I want to scream but professionalism is at its best." I said.

He cuts them gorgeous eyes at me and motioned me to lead towards him. As the beautiful curls touched my cheek he whispered so softly in my ear, "You know there are a lot of ways you can scream right?" And he leaned back with another wink. I smiled so hard, hit cheeks and I slowly put my head down.

"This is not going to be easy." I said lowly. And he pats me on the back, chucking. I just couldn't face him, I knew how red my face would be. "Thanks Michael.. let me know when it's time to bang in your bedroom."  Those were my thoughts but I wanted to see how this would go. I had no choice.

Lunch was served and it was amazing. I found myself glancing a Michael's side view as he chowed down. I'm thinking I'm looking at heaven right in the face. Before I knew it, I passed out again. I forgot that I was holding in every last of my own oxygen.

One Hour Later..

I awake to something cold on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see Michael's small smile yet again. I closed my eyes again and then opened them. His long dangling curl over his forehead, nearly met his left eye as he looked at me.

"What did I-?" I said almost panting. I went to get up but this time a rolling headache came in fast.

"Wait, don't move! Please, you fell back and hit your head." Michael said holding his hands up. I laid back down and he placed the cloth back on my forehead. He sits down next to me on the bed and relaxed.

"I kinda liked how red your face got before you passed out on me." He said and he chuckled a little bit. "I do have some ideas in mind for my book though. Should I write them down?" He asked.

I watched how he turned and looked at me. "Sure, brainstorming is a weapon of my own." I said.

"What's that mean?" He asked as he got up and walked to get a pen, a few pieces of paper and a heavy book.

"Where you write the ideas of how you want your story to go. Characters, how you want it to go." He squinted his eyes. "Like how you make your music videos, you plan how you want them and pick your directors right?" I asked.

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