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I rolled over on my side as I looked at my exhausted, husband.. sleeping. He worked hard along with sleepless days and nights at what he did and he was great at it. I slid from under him and flipped the cover over slowly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I rubbed my ever growing belly, I am seven months pregnant. The thought about how that I was once a Chicago bookwriter and now I am the wife of a superstar.

I got off the bed and covered him up a little. I grabbed my robe and walked into the bathroom. After my shower, I brushed my hair, making my black hair curl up on it's own. I walked back out and he was still sleeping so good. I walked back towards the bed, placing a kiss on his head.

"Rest my love..." I said and I went to the kitchen. I made some breakfast; eggs, bacon, sausage some side pickles for me.. ehh.. pancakes, orange juice.

No sooner than I finished..

"Baby?" That sweet voice i loved to hear every morning soothe me.

"I'm in the kitchen babe.. smell the aroma." I said as I hear him scurry down the steps and into the kitchen.

I turned to look at the beautiful smile and messy curls that I loved to see in the morning.

"Good Morning baby." He said walking towards me. I gave him a kiss and he leans down, plantings kiss on my stomach.

"Hey baby girl." He said as he rubbed my stomach admiring that he was going to soon be a father..

This was a life I couldn't imagine that I would have right now.. one minute I'm an author and I still am.. the next, I am married and pregnant to the man I admired most...

This is my story..



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Author's Note

Welcome to another Short MJ Fanfiction Story..
Hope you all enjoy..

👉Graphic Language
👉Graphic Sexual Scenes
👉Graphic Sexual Content

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