Three: First Sight

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8:30 am

The driver came, right on schedule as I was packing my last bag, making sure I didn't leave anything behind. He rings the doorbell of my apartment and I kindly opened it.

"Hello!" The driver said smiling.

"Oh..! Hi there. Um.. I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." I said as he laughed and helped me with my bags. I locked the door and kissed my apartment door as a temporary goodbye for now. I got inside the grand limo, along with my carry-on bag and my purse. I went to give the guy a tip but he rejected and he closed the door.

While I was in the car, I was so excited. We were on the way to the airport and I had to be on the plane along with Michael. While riding past the streets of Chicago, I couldn't even think straight because I know that if the nigga touch me, I'll pass out again. I could feel it in my bones. My phone vibrates as I looked down and it was Tank.

"Hello?" I said rolling my eyes. He just wouldn't stop until I picked up. After three calls of course.

"Look, I know you are on the way but just follow the instructions that you signed okay. I just want you to know that I'll always be here as a friend." He said.

"Tank listen, you are a good guy but the tantrums, negativity over time has built up. I haven't forgotten half of all the shit you told me and look at me now.. because of my own work and determination.. it has got me here. I still haven't figured out why I was chosen but you seem to think you are the brains and I wasn't. Now, that the King of Pop has been here and talked to me, you became jealous or some shit." I said. I listened to him take a deep breath.

"You are nothing like the other writers, you have brought me the most money, not including your own. I just really like you Chasity." He said.

In my mind he was too late because I really didn't like my boss the way he liked me. Something my grandparents always told me was that I should take each minute with the grain and not for power. I wasn't into this for power and I have been a writer because this is my passion. I have tried this love shit before and got hurt that's why I write to sacrifice the pain I feel. My sexuality is at an all time high but I never found what I needed in a long time. "Damn it!"

"Tank look, I appreciate you liking me and shit but you wasn't determined and I am really not trying to find love. I just want to write this one more time and then balance out my options. I am still thinking of moving out of Chicago really. It's something I been wanting to do. My dad is dead, my mother on crack and my grandparents who had me in California passed away too." I said and then he got quiet.

They gave me the life I needed and wanted. They left me everything but when this opportunity came to move here to Chicago, I wasn't trying to find love anymore. Long story short, he cheated, had a child on me and he left. He never loved me and the emotional abuse still lingers around ever so often. Tank didn't understand that.. even though I told him some of the story.. most of the story still remains.

I always felt shameful on how I looked or how my body was, I was a small stomach, wide hip and thick thighs type.. and I ate soul food and cooked like a bat from hell.

"Chasity listen.. I am falling for you and I just want you to fall in love with me. That's how this works." He said.

"Bullshit.. this is not how it works Tank! There's no way in hell after 5 years working with you, that I ever thought that I would fall for you. What the fuck have you been drinking?" I asked him.

"Oh, come the fuck on, how you just going to love a superstar that read a few books and you barely know him?!" He yelled.

"I been knowing Michael Jackson.. look please don't get me started. I'm sick of it. How many people have an opportunity like this.. and yes, I been loving him, as a singer. Have you heard my ringtone?" I asked.

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