Thirteen: Sleep (VS chpt)

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You couldn't pay me enough to say that I wasn't enjoying myself. We landed safely after Japan and I was exhausted. Every time I went to sleep it was like I was dreaming of Michael. Nothing bad but that this was all a dream. Going to sleep and waking back up to see him scribbling or looking out the window, comfortable in his socks and tapping his foot or humming, I'd say, "Bitch, pinch me."

But this was different for Michael. His sleep patterns were like no other. But that was okay and besides he said he'd rest once he's back in Neverland but he yawned like fifty times already so, hopefully he rests.

"Ohhh, thank the Lord!" I ran to the bed, waving my hands and just collapsed on top of it, shoes on and everything. With Michael chuckling, I heard our suitcases land on the floor and the weight of the bed shift. He crawled up to me and I turn laying up under his chin, embracing his warmth. I just want this to last forever.

"When is the next show?" I asked under his neck. I leaned backwards as I didn't hear him say anything and then he started snoring a little. I took a breath and just relaxed. Finally!

Two Hours Later...
I wake up to the sounds of crunching.. it better not be a rat in here. But it was so close I turned on my back, Michael was dressed in different clothes, fresh and spicy looking, eating chips. He smacked so hard, I couldn't hold in my giggle and he jumped.

"Girl, watch yourself. You scared- " he paused to swallow "you scared me." He said licking the cheese off his lips.

"Haha! You should talk, gosh it's so cute when your scared. And when you eat." I winked and then I stretched. I get up and I paused to look at Michael. The face he made was flawless, I laughed again.

"What's wrong.." I said between laughter. "It's funny when I'm scared?" He said slowly getting up. Oh shit! "I'll show you what's funny!"

With the quickness.. yeah not me trying to run away from him and he caught me by my shirt tackling me down and he had me weak as he started tickling the shit out of me literally until I screamed. "Say uncle!!" He said laughing at me.

"Uncle!! Uncle!! Stooopp!!" I screamed with tears in my eyes: I laid there as he laughed at me: "Now that's funny. Wow. But when you finish let's get dinner, tonight we celebrate."

"Wait celebrate what?" I asked as I got up from the floor. Then it hit me, today was my birthday. I never got a chance to celebrate it because I was always between grieving and hurting.

"You think I don't know you... it's your birthday. I have everything planned out. No ands, ifs or butts. Go and get ready darling!" He said outing those puppy eyes out.

"And I would like the shrimp cocktail with some lemon and a salad on the side. Please."

We were at this beautiful seafood spot and Michael loved some oysters but that used to always make me gage so he settled for some grilled bonefish. I didn't want him to do that but he did it anyway.

"Are you sure? You could have gotten your oysters Michael. I just don't eat them." I said feeling bad.

"It's okay darling. I promise! Plus I always have gotten those from anywhere. The bonefish sounded better tonight. Just trust me." He spoke.

We were heads on in with the book. The characters made love after the woman didn't want him to get locked up. Plus she felt bad from learning his childhood from his files. I never thought it would have gotten this deep but it had.

It made me think of Michael and what he went through. I looked at him as he looked back. My body screamed for him since the night of our first kiss and I couldn't let it go. Him kissing me was like how beautiful the sun looked once it rised and set at night.

"You are an amazing woman. I chosen the right one and I feel so much better not being alone this time while I am on this tour. Work never stops." He said.

"So what happens after the tour?" I asked.

"I go back to Neverland for a little while and then more tours and more albums to drop. I love my fans and oh, I want you to meet my mother too. " once he said this, he started smiling from ear to ear and I loved it.

"You would want me too? Gosh, I just got nervous." I said as I shyly put my head down.

"Here," he placed his hand out for me to hold. "Never get nervous my mother has a beautiful soul..she perfect just like me. I promise she's so sweet and I promise she will love you. Just like I do."

Wait? What?

"Wait you said you loved me?" I was blown out of my mind. How in the hell..

"When I first met you, it was like I found the world in my arms. I fell in love with your words from your books. I called Frank and I told him that one of my wishes was to meet you. It's like your the celebrity and I'm your biggest fan."

I laughed as he chuckled. "Well thanks I am not sure if baldy would feel like that." I said.

"Ha! Baldy! I like that but there's something that I been wanting to tell you." He paused as our food came hot and ready but we didn't touch our food.

"That contract he made you sign was false. I'm sorry but the last few I had to help me.. he made them sign and they went crazy on me. He couldn't have said he had feelings for you did he?" He said with so much concern that I nodded.

"He spoke about how I'm just a superstar and how you just needed me for the book and for nothing else. You wouldn't be able to do me better than him basically." I said.

"That little piece of shit! No worries I am not mad. Like I said, I am going to show you the real me. Okay?" I nodded and he took a deep breath.

"Okay, let bow our heads and I'll say grace." He spoke. As I followed suit, allowing him to say grace and afterwards we dug in. Laughter and joy filled the scene and he topped everything off with dessert. Red velvet cake and some vanilla ice cream. He even sung happy birthday for me and had the crew members applauding and crying.

I couldn't have this any other way. This was what I wanted and I wanted Michael. I am falling in love with him.

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