Ten: Lovely One

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It was time to head out to the concert grounds. This morning, I slept to the woman of my dreams, well soon to be. I looked over to the sleeping woman. She is so beautiful and I dared to wake her.

I placed my head in my hands. I didn't think I would make it this far. She surprised me last night when she threw a pillow after my shower. After two hours and I tickled her. Her laugh boomed in the walls of our hotel room. It was funny. I looked at the clock on my phone and it was 8:30am.

I leaned over and I poked her in her cheek. "Chas wakey wakey." I said as she opened one eye. She stretched a little, "Five more minutes and I promise I will get up." She said and she curled back under the pillow.

I poked her in her side and she moaned. "I got you." Then came the fun part. I eased my half naked body from under the blanket and put on my robe. Then I pulled the blanket off the bed and Chasity felt around and looked at me with dazzling eyes. "Huh? Why did you? Aww man!" She said licking her lips.

"It's time to get up. Round One of concert day. And I have something in mind for my book... pretty please!" I said and she looked at me from the side. "Oh right.. how did you sleep?" She asked and I wiped my eyes.

"Well it took awhile but when I did go to sleep it was magical." I said and she furrowed her eyes. "Magical? I never heard anything like that before, especially someone sleeping with me." She said. She crawled out of bed, stretching her bones. "So when do we start?" She said.

"Well, we do start now and then breakfast." I said. She nodded. "Okay, let me get my laptop." She said as she grabbed her laptop from the bag and she plugged it up.

"Okay so we left off with the part where the cop meets the guy who needs to get locked up."' She said.

The story ends up with Amanda having a deep conversation with Teddy and it becomes a hot conversation. To where by the end and how she looks at him, she wants him for him. She didn't want to get him in trouble. She didn't want him to get locked up. He had a traumatic past and it reminded her of her own... sound familiar?

Two Hours Later...

We were heading to the studio and I was nervous. Today was the day that I get a chance to meet Frank and Michael's other people who helped him. Michael held on to my hand again but this time it was a sense of security. I knew I wasn't at the same place I started and I wasn't under the foolish protection of Tank. To me, be was the enemy.

For him to do me, his "money maker" the was he did was stupid, cruel and unusual. He never expressed within the years of me working with him that he had feelings for me. But why now?

"Chas, you okay? You look like your wheels are turning." Michael said, bringing me back to my reality. "Yeah I am okay, I honestly was just thinking about how Tank really tried to put a number on me. And I really worried about what is going to happen after this is over." I said. I really felt more like I could be open with him. He was innocent through everything and I felt the pain that he felt.

"It's not going to be over as fast as you think. If that makes you feel better and I could help you find something better regardless if I am done with the book or not. There's something's I really want to say but I am going to wait. And don't be nervous Frank is cool." He said as he smiled then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait, you knew I was nervous but how?" I asked. "Well your hand was shaking before you relaxed." He said smiling.

I just wanted to suck on his lips for days. Especially that bottom lip. I licked my own lips and he got tickled. "What?" He said and I turned my head. "Nothing Mikey.." I said looking out the window. I practically gawked this man.

We pulled up to the back and we headed out. It was early but it's not too early for some of his fans that we passed by. They locked the doors as head of security were on the inside and the outside of the doors. We walked along the small dark hallway and one of the ladies in the front desk shyly said, "Good morning, Mr. Jackson. I will patch you in to Frank." She said as he nodded.

He kept his shades on and his smiles never left. After a few minutes this thick looking guy with a cigar came out. Ahh, this must be him. "Son!! You made it!" He said as he takes the cigar out of his mouth. "Hahaha Frank! Here we are?" He jumped up and gave him a hug. I stood up from the small chair and looked in there direction. Michael waved for me, "Come on, don't be shy." He said as I walked over to him.

Then to make me laugh he slid his shades a few inches from his face. "What?" I said as I giggled. "Just checking on you? But Frank-" he paused and put his shades back on. "This is Chasity. The woman behind my book." Frank paused before putting the cigar back in his mouth.

"Well sweet thing, My name is Frank, Mike's Manager etc. You are very beautiful. How did you become the lucky one?" He said.

"Nice to meet you Frank. It's a pleasure." I said as he shook my hand and gave it a peck. "Good, good. I need someone to hold Mr. Jackson down." He smacked Michael on his shoulder and then he nodded as we walked to the studio area.

It was an awesome scenery for me because I never been in one. Michael sat down and cracked his fingers. "Okay so what do we start out with. Are we sold out for tonight Frank as I sat down in the rolling chair. "We sold out in four hours Mike, your in there son. And for you, you get the personal treatment. I will make sure that you are covered and of course vip treatment. Hell, a guest of Mikes is a guest of mine." He winked at me and then they got started.

Three Hours Later...

After I stretched my vocal chords and we played a few records back to back, I looked over at Chasity and her face was priceless.

"That's the workings of a King right?" She asked. Before I could say anything Frank laughed, blowing smoke. "That's is indeed. The workings of a superstar and my boy!" He said as he pat me on my back.

"Well we have to hit the store, I want Chasity to be comfortable because tonight she will experience this up-close and personal." I said.

"Michael, I have comfortable clothes it's okay." Chasity said. "Aww Chas, I just wanted to show my gratitude. You know." I said. "Oh well okay, I understand. But Michael?" She scooted over to me and grabbed both of my hands. "I'm enjoying every bit of just you. I know the kind of heart you have but just being hear with you is more than buying clothes." She said and it touched my heart.

"Really? I never knew there was women out there like that." I looked down for moment because out of all the women who I hired wanted everything known to man.

"Michael? If this makes it better, just you breathing and being yourself means everything to me." She said. I let her hands go and I got on my knees and I hugged her.

I squeezed her gently and I almost cried...

End of the chapter..

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