Chapter 31:- A bad day 🖤

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Ruhi:Sidharth nothing can be done, I don't want to live with you

Sid:Ruhi you can't leave me like this,I love you and whatever it is we will solve it

Ruhi:solve what?Sidharth ,now there is no love between us,we fight everyday....our relationship has become toxic so it's better to leave

Sid:we still can do something and improve our relationship....atleast think about Ansh how he will live without you?he needs his mom

Ruhi:no Sidharth he needs you,I don't want to make things more complicated and difficult just like I did for her....every night I think of her ,I am not a good mother and Sidhansh is your part,wo tumhara ansh hai so I have decided to give his custody to you will be a great father Sidharth and the best parent for him

Sid:Ruhi listen,listen to me it so easy for you to leave us(angrily)

It was getting hard for Sidharth and his sadness was now converting into anger.Ruhi didn't listen to him and took her bags and started moving out.



Sidharth woke up from his nightmare heavily breathing and shouting.It was the day Ruhi left him and they both never met after that.This nightmare had stopped coming since the past days but he didn't know why it came today.His hairs were messy while his breathing was uneven .

Sidharth had returned from his small trip and  he was sleeping in his room until he woke up because of the nightmare.He wiped the tears which were in his eyes and which had rolled down.Remembering that day still gives him pain and tears .His breathing was now normal and he took the glass kept on the side table and  drank water .

Sidhansh:dad are you fine?

Sidhansh appeared from the dark .He was walking past the corridor when he heard his dad's shout.So immediately he came inside Sidharth's room.

Sid:yes champ I am fine, just a bad dream....what are you doing so early?

Sidhansh knew it was related to his mom as he heard Sidharth shouting her name.He didn't wanted to make Sidharth more upset so didn't asked any more questions about the dream.

Sidhansh:nothing dad,I woke up early and after that I was not able to sleep anymore so moved out of my room

Sid:but Ansh it's just 5am, you should sleep

Sidhansh:I am not feeling like to sleep

Sid:fine so what you want to do?

Sidhansh kept his finger on his chin pretending like he is thinking. Soon his eyes lit up and he looked at Sidharth .

Sidhansh:maybe help you in making breakfast

Sid:I can do it myself Ansh

Sidhansh:dad please I want to help,please

Sid:okay then let's go

Sidharth ruffled his hairs and both stood up from the bed and moved out of the room.Sidharth smiled looking at energy ball who was so excited to make breakfast with him.Indeed he is a part of him and the best gift Ruhi gave him.
Shehnaaz aimlessly stretched her arms and moved out of her bed.She was feeling a bit dizzy but shrugged those thoughts and got up.It has been a day Sidhansh had left her house but still she could feel his warmth in her house and thinking that he is still in her house.

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