Chapter 87:- Painful realization and Psychiatrist 💙

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*A long part as promised❤✨
He gazed at the water of the sea as it moved in waves .The waves that touched the shore and then went back to their home i.e. sea.The tranquility he felt by seeing them couldn't be said in words.Finally his mind was at peace and he remembered the lines he had once read on internet " Smell the sea and the feel the sky,let your soul and spirit fly ". His soul really felt free today while he touched the soft sand beneath his feets.Beach,a place where you truly feel relaxed.The truth Sidhansh never had known but today he knew and felt it also.

"Here's your coconut water buddy"

Sidhansh heard a voice from back and turned around only to see the man whom he had meet at the hospital that day.He came towards Sidhansh and sat beside him while passing him the coconut .Sidhansh held it in his hands and took a sip only to feel himself refreshed yet again.

Sidhansh:It's good and refreshing

Man:I know and so is this place.........the best relaxing place on this Earth

Sidhansh:so we are going back today?

Man:only if you want ,Sid

Sidhansh:I feel I am ready to go back,Adi bhai

Sidhansh said and turned towards Aditya with a smile.Yes,that man was Aditya who truly had helped him.He was with him only from two days.TWO DAYS ? Shocking right? He himself doesn't know how his family agreed to it or if they are informed also or not but he is glad. Glad that he got his much needed time, the time to think ,the time to truly decide that if his family really did bad with him or not .

Adi:I am glad otherwise Samaira would seriously chop my head off.......she even threatened me that if I don't drop you in single piece today at your home,she would come to my house and steal my watch collection and burn my house down

Aditya said in a sad tone while wiping his fake tears making Sidhansh laugh.Aditya really sometimes think how did he got so fierce and bold girl and the shocking part is that he loves this fierce girl of his.He looked at Sidhansh who was again lost in the waves while sipping his coconut water .He too sat properly and looked at the waves.

It was his and Samaira's favourite place afterall!!

Sidhansh:thank you

Adi:for what?

Aditya asked confusingly as he didn't understand why Sidhansh was thanking him.If it was because of the beach then he would completely tell him that it's not required.

Sidhansh:for helping me,for giving me the time that I needed

Sidhansh said softly as he remembered that in these two days also when Sidhansh said he now requires his alone time,Aditya would leave the room immediately .Firstly he was a bit scared thinking about to live with a stranger for two days but when he came to know Samaira's and Shehnaaz's connection with Aditya,he relaxed.At the sametime, Aditya made him feel comfortable and tried to make him feel like he was in home only by cracking jokes or by telling Samaira's and his hilarious acts.

But home is home afterall!!

Aditya:you need not thank me,Sidhansh........I just did what I felt was right and if Samaira also would be in my place she would do this.......but I am sorry for keeping you away from your family in these two days,I just thought about to give you your alone time to think properly but in this I forgot that I was keeping you away from them

Sidhansh:it's fine as I also had agreed with you and after this I can surely say that my mind is clear

Adi:so is your family at fault?

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