Chapter 82:- Final part of plan is Confession💖

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Sidhansh:wow,such a nice you know who is getting bored on this wonderful weekend?

Sidhansh said sarcastically while lying on the couch of living room.He looked at Samaira who was also sitting beside him and watching the television while munching some popcorn.

How can she eat popcorn so early in the morning?


Sidhansh:brilliantly right

Samaira:I know

Samaira sassed and flipped her hair shoeing how cool and intelligent she is making Sidhansh roll his eyes and kick her by his leg .Samaira's popcorn bowl bounced a bit but she catched it snd later glared at him.She picked a pillow and threw it at him .



Sidhansh:stop it

Samaira:you started it

Sidhansh:no,what the-.........did I actually?


Sidhansh huffed but nonetheless got up and laid down on her lap.Samaira didn't said anything just kept looking at the television.

Sana:what are you guys doing?

Samaira/Sidhansh:chilling /getting bore

Shehnaaz asked entering the room as she really found the house too quiet.Sidharth was as usual in his room making her think what exactly does he do in his room alone?

Sana:Kiddo if you are getting bored ,why don't you go outside and play with the apartment children who have become your friends

Sidhansh:Well that's actually a nice idea but I don't want to go alone

Samaira:what are you,a baby?

Samaira said and switching the channel as the movie she was watching had a break .Sidhansh looked at her annoyingly but an idea came in his mind making him smirk with evilness.

Sidhansh:I want Sam to go with me?

Sam:excuse me

Samaira said loudly and shockingly looked at him .The remote fell from her hands making it more dramatic for Shehnaaz. Shehnaaz stifled her giggles while enjoying the show.

Sidhansh:excused,now comeon get up........we have to go

Sana:yeah Sam go, you will also have fun

Shehnaaz said persuading Samaira to go .Samaira huffed and tiredly look at her.For God sake,she was watching such a nice movie after so long .

I will miss you my amazingly entertaining movie!!


Sidhansh jumped in excitement and dashed to his room to get his football. Shehnaaz side hugged Samaira giving her sympathy knowing she really didn't wanna go but was just going for her sake.Samaira also leaned towards her and hugged her waist.

Samaira:fine ,I am going but you will tell me everything without anything missing out........I don't want to miss any detail of the iconic confession of my ship, sidnaaz

Samaira said making Shehnaaz shock. Shehnaaz looked at her shockingly thinking how did she came to know about it.This was her hidden motive behind sending Samaira with Sidhansh.Though Samaira helped her with the plan so much but still she wasn't so sure.She didn't wanted to take risk and break Samaira's heart or let Samaira see things not appropriate for her if it becomes intense.

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