Chapter 83:- Life is unpredictable 💙

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WARNING - Mention of abuse ⚠

As soon as she entered the dark room ,she shivered in fear knowing she will not be spared now.She quietly moved towards her bed thinking that the devil will not haunt her and maybe is somewhere else.But the next second she was proved wrong.

Girl:Samaira baby

Samaira:I am sorry ,I am sorry.........I was bringing it but the teacher caught me so I couldn't do anything, I am sorry

Samaira said while sobbing and at the sametime controlling her breathing. Aurora glared at her with hate only hate making Samaira shake uncontrollably. She looked at her with fear as she smirked evilly.

Aurora:well you didn't get my stuff but I will let it pass since you have been such a good girl.......oh,yeah I am also willing to share my favourite thing with you also

Aurora clapped and took out a cigarette stick from the pack making Samaira's eyes grow wide.She shook her head frantically but one look from Aurora she had to agree.

Aurora:here,take it

Aurora said after lightening up the cigarette and taking a long drag.Samaira took it with her shaking hand and put it in her mouth.As the smoke filled her lungs,it started to burn.Her mouth and lungs both felt like it was on fire.She started coughing hysterically making Aurora laugh.

Samaira:Noooooo,I can't......please

Aurora:I said take it ,NOW

Aurora shouted at her again making Samaira taste the bitter taste of it and feeling her lungs burn.Her coughing continued as the tears also rolled down her cheeks. She was helpless and also felt completely weak .The burning of her lungs only increased making her more weak.

Aurora:oh this is your family, right?

Samaira looked at her holding her family picture from her red eyes.She tried snatching it but couldn't move her hand.

Aurora:well,I pity you Samaira......just look at the photo only,you are standing in the corner as if you are not a part of the family but still someone insisted you to stand there.......I don't think your family also considers you as their own

Now the burning of the heart overpowered the physical pain.Samaira seemed to actually believe Aurora's words.Yes she was standing at the corner because she reached there last so the photographer insisted her to stand there only as they were already late.But now she forgot those things only Aurora's words replayed in her mind.She took a long drag of the smoke but this time not with pain but in a way to reduce her heart pain.

Aurora:oh,you are enjoying the cigarette.......I know ,the first time,the thrill ,the excitement but not anymore kyunki it's time for punishment

Samaira's eyes grew wide while she dropped the cigarette stick in fear.She saw Aurora coming towards her with something in her mind but in the darkness she couldn't see it.The more close she came,the more visible she could see her and also the thing.

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