Heartfelt note and answers

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Long time,right? Actually after a very long time.........I missed you all my readers,how are you all?😃

(Kinda not good in initiating a conversation🤧)

So first things first,my final exams are over!!🥳🥳........and now I am having my holidays so I have thought to start Sinister Love

But before that,I have seen and read all your comments on the epilogue(though was not able to reply cuz of exams🥺)THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES for such lovely and heartwarming comments❤❤✨.I loved reading it.I also noticed a few questions so I will answer it now.

Why does Sidhansh and Samaira not call Shehnaaz mom?

Well,I don't want to use that word and I think maybe you all will hate me also for using it.........but let's just face the truth,Shehnaaz is Samaira's and Sidhansh's stepmother......stepmother or stepfather is not a bad word but people have made it bad nowadays.A stepmother is a woman who has married a man(who has children of his own)after his wife has divorced him or is dead.It is a simple word but people have made it complicated these days.So now after realizing my POV ,understand.Ofcourse Sidhansh and Samaira will find difficulty in calling her mom.Samaira though calls her mom which you will notice in the sequel.Sidhansh also has reasons for it which again will be showed in sequel.But one of his reasons I have said here.

Why didn't I show Sidnaaz's marriage?

I have already planned a beautiful part for it.For which you all have to wait!! I AM DEFINITELY NOT GONNA SKIP IT.........like you all,I have also dreamt about their wedding .Though it didn't happen in real,it will surely happen in my fiction.Serendipity is special to me so the marriage will also be special and unexpected!!

(Just trust me🥺✨)

Why didn't Sidnaaz have their "own" baby?

Putting emphasis on own because some still believe Sidhansh and Samaira are not Shehnaaz's own.I had decided to write a long explanation on it but then thought how could I say on a topic which I haven't experienced myself. But as a woman,I can say one thing Motherhood is not just about carrying a baby for nine months but also growing up again along with that baby.Though Shehnaaz has not carried them in her womb for nine months but she has grown up again along with them.Then I want to clear out that Sidharth has experienced his children's childhood.Samaira was 8 when she was sent to the hostel and Sidhansh was 2 at that time.
Still I have thought about both the plots,Shehnaaz having a baby in the sequel and Shehnaaz not having a baby.If I would go with the first plot,it will be kinda depressing one cuz you all have to understand Shehnaaz's first priority is Sidhansh.

(You are free to give your POVs)

I think that's it!!💜

If you have anymore questions you can ask in the comments. One more thing I have noticed,I think some of you are still confused with Samaira's character.I have written her past in pieces so that you all would connect the dots and understand it......but still if you have doubts,ask me in the comments. I will reply you there only🤗

There are a lot of things about Serendipity I wanna write like how the idea of Serendipity came in my mind? What was the inspiration? Why I love it so much?
Well I will write about it when Serendipity will actually come to an end.It is not yet over😉


Yup,there will be bonus chapters which I will post on weekends😁.......Sinister Love updates regularly(till my holidays end)💃💃

Are you all excited? Cuz I am very excited💜✨

Will post an update today!!Till then😗

Byeeeeeee,take care❤❤

Lots of love,

P.s. I hope you haven't removed "Serendipity" from your library or reading list,if you have then please add it back.......kyunki picture abhi baaki hai mere dost😉❤✨

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