Chapter 57:- Her passion ❤

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The boy turned around and looked at the girl who was few years older to him coming towards him.But before he could say something she smacked his head.

Girl:stop fake crying drama king

Rishi:you are my siso ,you should support me

Girl:probably yes but not after your fake crying drama that you had put up infront of didu and because of which I got scolded


Rishi said while rolling his eyes to which the girl glared at him.Both got lost in their own banter and didn't noticed Samaira still looking at them.


Girl:who are you?

Samaira:Hi,I am Samaira

Samaira said while forwarding her hand towards the girl for a handshake.The girl nodded and held her hand with a smile.

Girl:Hi,I am it seems like you were having conversation with my brother

Samaira:yeah,actually I just wanted his skateboard for sometime.......I love skating but unfortunately I don't have mine now

Zoya:okay,you can take it


Both said together but one said with happiness and shock ,while the another said in complete shock.

Zoya:don't be a brat Rishi,she is asking so poli-

Samaira:Zoya it's okay if he doesn't want to,it's his afterall......I just wanted to request ,anyways I think I should be going

Samaira said interrupting Zoya,she saw Rishi getting sad when Naina was scolding him.She didn't wanted anyone getting scolded for her small request so she politely declined it and started walking .

I guess I have to ask Mohit to ship my skateboard here

Or should I buy a new one?

No,actually my older one is only best.....damn,I miss it so much

This stupid vac-

Before she could continue with her chain of thoughts ,she heard a distant voice calling her name.She turned around and saw Rishi waving at her asking her to come back.Samaira got confused but nonetheless followed.

Rishi:okay,you can use it

Zoya:I didn't forced him

Naina said when she felt Samaira accusingly looking at her.Samaira nodded and excitedly hugged him.

Samaira:thank you little man

She kept the skateboard on the ground and kept her foot on it making the skateboard flip.She quickly jumped and landed on it.A wave of comfort and familiarity hit her.She took a deep breath and smiled.

Let the game begin !!

Let the game begin !!

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