Chapter 88:- Forgiveness 🧡

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Sid:good morning


Sidharth entered the kitchen and wished Shehnaaz who was already in the kitchen.Her hair was tied up in a ponytail while she wore a apron around her waist.Her head was covered with the dupatta which was strange for him.She was flipping pancakes and looked really concentrated on her work.

Sid:I thought that today I would make the breakfast

Sana:sorry but I have made it

Sid:so,it's pancakes then?

Sana:yup,Shehnaaz special pancakes

Shehnaaz said while licking her lips and uttering delicious making Sidharth chuckle .He moved towards to get a better view of what she was making but then a sudden thought crossed his mind.

Sid:so what have you thought about the psychiatrist's appointment ?

Shehnaaz's hands stopped and she turned towards Sidharth completely after switching off the gas. The whole night she had thought about this and was not able to come to a decision. She opened her mouth and then closed not completely knowing how to explain her dilemma to Sidharth.How to say that she was scared to show her vulnerable side to an unknown lady?

Maybe she will think I am weak!!

Sid:you are not weak's okay to sometimes break,it's okay to sometimes move your hand forward and ask for help ,it's okay to share your problems with a specialist,it's okay to be not okay.........and if you have a fear that she will judge you ,then no she won't.......she will listen to you and help you get your way ,the right path

Sidharth said as if he could read her mind but for Shehnaaz, it wasn't so easy.Her mind pondered over his words.A question which she had been asking herself from so long.

What is wrong with me?

All the hard work,all the pain and the self- destruct she always had.Two words. That's all it would have taken for her not to be in this situation where she was considered as an addict,a person who is living but still not living.Two words she never have been able to say.


Sidharth shook her shoulders as he saw her lost in her thoughts.The sudden movement brought her back from her deep thoughts.

Sana:I need help........and I will take Jyoti's help

Shehnaaz said a bit fumbling with her words but Sidharth was able to see the new strength in her eyes.He nodded and squeezed her shoulders .It was then he noticed that she was wearing a suit.

Sid:you are wearing a suit?

Sana:yeah,it was long I hadn't wore any Indian am I looking?

Shehnaaz asked while doing a half twirl .Sidharth's eyes moved up and down as he looked at her keenly.It was the first time he was seeing her in a traditional attire and she was killing it.In that pink suit,she didn't looked any less than an angel, a pretty angel.He just kept looking at her without uttering anything. He liked the way her face was clean today void of any makeup or beauty products.He liked more this way ,the natural way.

He liked more this way ,the natural way

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