Chapter 74:- Second chance in love❣

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Samaira:you guys are having a sleepover without me......not fair(yawning)

Samaira said yawning and slumped on the bed beside Shehnaaz and Sidhansh. After their intense talk,both were tired of so much crying and the agony their heart felt so they allowed the darkness to relax them in a deep slumber.Sidhansh's one hand was hugging her by her waist while his face was slightly away from her neck .His another hand was above him while his right leg was above her left leg.Shehnaaz's hands were entangled in his thick, silky hair and softly massaging it.She had just woke up hearing Samaira's voice.

Sana:weren't you sleeping an hour ago?

Shehnaaz asked chuckling while she made space for her.Samaira shifted towards her and kept her hand on Sidhansh's hand hugging Shehnaaz and getting more comfortable.

Samaira:I was and now also I want to shhhh and let me sleep

Sana:drama queen

She said and smacked Samaira's head lightly after she heard her sleepy voice.She smiled looking at the two munchkins who were peacefully sleeping hugging her.The scene itself felt so serene ,so complete for her.A perfect family picture she had imagined few years ago was finally becoming true.

But for how long?

Shehnaaz stopped hearing her heart's question and just gave a sad smile.

Sana:no matter how long or short it will be,I will embrace it till then(whisper)


Samaira said and patted Shehnaaz's head trying to make her sleep.Shehnaaz giggled but nonetheless agreed and covered all of them with the duvet .She closed her eyes again welcoming the darkness to engulf her.


The first word Sidharth said after entering the room.He stopped in his tracks and just kept looking at the sleeping beauties. His heart warmed and he instantly smiled seeing his jigar ka tukads cuddling and sleeping so peacefully. All his stress and worry washed away seeing them.

This is family.By seeing them no matter how troubled a person is ,he forgets those problems and smiles for them.


He couldn't let this beautiful moment go without capturing it forever.He smiled seeing the picture and kissed it.For the last time,he glanced at them and turned around to go but stopped hearing a voice.


Shehnaaz who was a light sleeper woke up hearing the camera's sound.She saw Sidharth going so called him as soft as she can not wanting to wake up her two munchkins.


Sidharth turned around and moved towards her.He saw how her eyes were still slightly closed,her hairs which were messy and how she trying to lift herself from the sleeping position .He raised an eyebrow and asked her.

Sana:help me

Shehnaaz said after trying twice to get out of their hold but couldn't. She huffed and looked at Sidharth mouthing "help me".All her sleepiness had gone and now she wanted to do some work.Her heart warmed seeing how tightly they were holding her ,never wanting her go but she had to.

I can't stay in bed all day

Sid:Why you want to wake up?........sleep for sometime


Shehnaaz said sternly knowing he was teasing her .Sidharth stuffed his laughter and held her hands trying to lift her up.Finally,he succeeded in getting her out but saw Sidhansh stirring. He quickly patted his head and he slept again.He turned towards Shehnaaz and playfully glared at her.

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