Chapter 41:- Bella and smiles 💜

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Sidhansh:where are we going?

Sana:surprise kiddo ,just wait and watch


It had been a week since Sidhansh's breakdown. Shehnaaz didn't talked with him about his breakdown as she didn't wanted to hurt him more but she told him not to hurt himself again in future.

After the breakdown,Sidhansh distanced himself from Sidharth and Shehnaaz. He only talked with them when they asked any question otherwise he was silent.

Shehnaaz and Sidharth tried their best to bring them back.Hell,they even left him alone for sometime thinking that maybe he needs his time but that also didn't work.Shehnaaz couldn't even recognize this boy sitting in the back seat.It was not her Sidhansh.

Sana:kya hua,itna pheka reaction kyu....aren't you excited?

Sidhansh:I am

Shehnaaz frowned as she didn't saw a little bit excitement also.She was used to this cold Sidhansh now but from deep inside her heart,it pained her a lot.She missed that Sidhansh who would keep whining and would ask again and again what is the surprise.Why this little boy had to suffer so much?

For Sidharth, he was not able to believe that it was his son, his Ansh,his champ.He had never saw Sidhansh this cold.But on the other side ,he realized the fact that Sidhansh was really a part of him.He was also like this when first time Ruhi left him.Indeed he is a mini Sidharth.

Sid:Shehnaaz atleast tell I am driving, I should know where we are going ,you are just telling me left and right

Sana:that's the surprise Sidharth, now shhhhh don't spoil it

Sidharth huffed and continued driving and following whatever Shehnaaz was saying.

Sidhansh saw them and internally giggled seeing his dad's irritated face and the way his naazu was guiding him.Aww

But he didn't showed any emotion on outside as if he was hiding it.

Sana:we have reached

Sid:a cafe,seriously Shehnaaz? woke us up so early just to come here,a cafeeee

Sidharth said while emphasizing the word cafe and purposely dragging the e.Shehnaaz just rolled her eyes and got out of the car.

Sidhansh:why are we at Bella aunty's cafe?

Sana:I thought you missed her as I missed her a lot so I brought you here

Sidhanah raised a eyebrow not believing her reason completely .

Sana:what,you didn't missed her?(innocently)

Sidhansh:no ,no it's not like that I missed her too

Sana:so let's go inside(squealed)

Sidharth stood there confused looking at the duo talking.He didn't got what they were talking about.He was going to ask Shehnaaz but before that Shehnaaz dragged him inside .

It was early in morning so the cafe was empty. Few workers were arranging the plates and tables.They were the only people there.Sidharth looked around the cafe and noticed the interiors. It was beautiful.

The walls were painted in a light shade of pink and purple and there were also small paintings made on them.On the left wall,there were few quotes written.


Boy:How can I help you mam?

A boy came towards them with a small notepad and smiled at them.

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