Chapter 45

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" Daniel " Daniel says smiling " well can I take you out for a milkshake? " knocking me from out my thought " now ?" I ask with my eyebrow raised " yeah if that's fine with you" he ask holding out his hand " yeah I'll come " taking his hand .I got my purse ready to go but I stopped in destiny's room to tell them I was leaving. I suddenly see destiny up holding the baby and pictures are being taken. I smile hopefully I'll find the right guy one day and he will love & respect the way I need to be. Destiny looks over at me and says " come in" but I tell her I'm leaving. I go over and gave her a hug and tell her " I'm coming back to tomorrow " then i take my stuff and leave with Daniel to his car. Once we got the car we both go in and pulled off" you got a really nice car " I say breaking the silence " thank you" he says smiling " if I may ask why was you at the hospital and what made you walk up to me " I ask " well my niece got cancer and I went to visit her like I do most days. While me and my sister were sitting down her father came in and one thing lead to another. My sister told me to go for a walk so I saw you not to far and you looked sad cause I wanted to know why a jewel like you so sad" he says licking his lips

" you have a accent where are you from? " I ask looking at him as we pull up to Cousteau's Waffle and milkshake bar " new jersey and have you been here before ?" Turing off the engine " No " I say looking around " well... They have the best milkshakes ever and I know your hungry " he say laughing as my stomach rumbles cause I didn't eat cause destiny had to go into labor . He gets out the car and opens the door for me and takes my hand. Damon used to have me get out the car on my own this a change I say to myself as I walk in. We both go sit at a window seat as the waiter comes and hands us menus ." hi my name is Cody . what would you like to drink" he asks pulling out his pen ." I want to have a vanilla oreo milkshake " I say " okay and you sir ? " he asks " chocolate chip milkshake" Daniel says " do you need more time to order or do you want to order now? " he asks . " more time" Daniel says then the waiter leaves " So have you found out what you want to order " he asks " yeah the chicken and chocolate chip waffles " I say looking up at him

" why you so quiet ?" He asks laughing a bit " I'm not quiet I just .. " trying to make an excuse but can't find one so I start to laugh " so can I get to know you " he asks." sure what you wanna know?" I say putting my menu down ." okay how old are you? " sitting back in his chair giving me his full attention ." 23 and how old are you ? " I say " old enough to be your man " he says laughing it off " okay okay I see you " laughing playing it off
" okay where do you work" he asks ." I own my own clothing shop you might know it" " what's the name of it ?" He asks "Desire & Dreams " I say as Cody comes back " okay are you ready to order " Cody asks making me look at him." yes I'll have the chocolate chips waffles with chicken " I say smiling " and you sir " he asks Daniel " I'll have the same as her " he says looking at me .Cody takes our orders and leaves us to finish up talking. " my niece loves your clothes " Daniel says " really " I say sipping my milkshake " yeah but her mom can't afford to buy her that so every time I get a chance . I buy her a thing or two." He says after sipping his shake

" you must be a good uncle " I say " yeah I am " he says " so I got an idea , I was thinking about raising money to help your niece . Its going to be big and pink . I'll even have some of my friends come over." I say as Cody drops our food off . We talked some more and we got to know each other better . After we finished eating , he took me home and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. " Can I take you out again? " he asks " yeah sure " going up to my door " I'll call you " he yells as I close the door .I close my door and sink down to the floor best night that could of been wrong in many ways. I take off my jacket and my shoes then hop my way into the shower. After 5 minutes I came out with a towel wrapped around me with my phone on my bed. I unlocked my screen and seen two messages. Damon " I miss you. can u come over ?" Daniel bae "Wanna hang out tomorrow ? " I texted daniel back saying " yea " then I put my phone on charger and put my hair in a bun. Pulled the covers over my body and went to sleep

Goodnight y'all ✌

Sorry, it was so short I ran out of ideas. But comment and vote please

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