Chapter 17

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Me and Trey are having a good time watching the Medea movie big happy family. Diamond was sleep plus me and trey needed some alone time. I kept looking at my phone hoping destiny would call but nothing. I was getting scared

I got up and went into the guest room and called her. But no answer then i sent her a text

"boo txt mi whn ya get this" I text her

(an hour later )

"Hey " destiny responds back

" are you okay? " I text back

" yea we good " destiny texts back

"we ?" I respond back

"g2g call ya later " she texts back a second later

I went back to living room where trey was stuffing popcorn in his mouth. I sat down and put my phone in my bra then laid my head on his shoulder.

" I'm scared for destiny" I say to trey

"why? " trey says looking at me

" cause what if something happened to her i wouldn't know how to go on. " I say

"She's fine. Plus destiny really gangsta she don't play. i wouldn't fuck with her " trey responds

"oh for real " I say

Just then i heard footsteps me and trey both turned around. It was diamond rubbing her eyes . I took her back to her room

" did you have a bad dream " I ask diamond

" yes " diamond says

"what was it about ? " I say

"my mommy. We were at the beach and i went to far into the water. And i kept screaming her name but she left me " diamond says

"aww i know you miss your mommy. She is always with you" I say caressing her cheek

I laid her back down and pulled the covers back over her.

"Meka ? " diamond says

" yes? " I say looking at her

"My brother loves you" she says as I sit back down on her bed

" really ? " I say surprised

"And i love you too . Trey told me you remind him of my mommy " diamond says looking into my eyes

" oh really " I say

"yes " diamond responds

" i love you too" I say smiling at her

I kissed her on the forehead and left out shutting the door behind me . I went and took a shower then wrapped my hair in a bun. I laid down wishing i could bring Ms. Sophia back they both need there mom. ( she in the mm ... Up top or the side)

I felt the bed dip then i pair of hands around my waist. I turn over and face trey

"what was your mom like before she died? " I ask

"She was really beautiful , sweet and funny. She would take me to the carnival and i would play so many games. Plus she had the most beautifulest voice when she sung to me at night. Her pretty black hair would turn brown in the sunlight. Plus she always knew the how to tickle me and make me laugh when I had a down day " trey says

"Was your father ever in your life ? " I ask

"until i was 8. Him and my mom would argue a lot i would sit and my closet and cry cause I didn't understand " He says

"what do you think made him turn to drugs ? " I ask

" me . I overheard my mom and dad talking one night and i guess my mom was suppose to abort me " trey says as water forms in his eyes

" baby I don't thinks that's true " I say as I wipe his tears that begin to fall down his cheek

" Ive gotten over it " he says starting at the ceiling

I kept quiet trying to find the perfect words to say about diamond.

"i don't show diamond to many hoes. Cause she don't like them or they don't like her. But i knew she would love you cause your different " trey begins to say

"mhm i believe that but Diamond told me you loved me is it true ? " i say looking at him in the dark

" yeah its true " turning over to face me

"i love you too but don't make me regret saying it " I say

"wouldn't plan of it " he say giving me a kiss

Can I get 3 comments for the next chapter ? Where's the comments at tho ? I stopped having goals cause y'all was commenting now I have none. If y'all don't like the story tell me what y'all don't like so I can Change it. Or y'all just be silent .... Don't be silent words mean so much to me. Vote... do something ... Inbox me. something! So for the next chapter

3 comments are the goal not updating until then

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