Chapter 8

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Justice is above or to the side

Destiny ~

Hey today is my birthday i am so happy I'm 16 yay . We had school today but bitch I'm staying home . Tameka went to school but she did say she had a surprise for me i wonder what is it ?

I made myself look cute i put on some black and white leggings with my r.i.p my nephew black sweater . i put on my princess black and white beanie and curled my hair . i sat watching sponge Bob

2pm ~

Meka came home . i asked what was my gift she said she didn't know it was my birthday. i was a little takin back . like what the fuck how in the French fries you didn't know it was my birthday. It was about 5 meka told me to get the door and appeared in front of my eyes were Justice and Trey wishing me a happy birthday . i jumped on both of them i was so happy to see them. Auntie queen was getting food for the house so we ended up watching shark tale . 

Once Auntie came in . We all jumped up i was having one the best days of my life . Auntie ended up talking to the boys they came back scared as ever looking like they seen a ghost . Auntie smiled at us i flashed one back . Meka shook her head . Auntie made a birthday cake and i had a really great day

"i have a gift for both if you even though its not your birthday Tameka" aunt says happily

We both had to close our eyes as we went outside then we opened them me and meka had Camaro's  mines was black she had red . We both hopped in all i need to do now is get my licences and I'm off.  Meka had hers since was 2 months older than me .

We asked could the boys stay over . Auntie said yes . Justice slept in my room with no shirt on justice just boxers . We layed next to each other i asked him about his goals

" I'm going to the military. It was always a dream of mine plus i also wanna be in college then once I'm out I'm going to start a family with you." Justice looking up at the sky

" haha with me ?" I say laughing it off

" yup"  he says looking into my eyes

" whatever" I say

Justice : what do you wanna do ?

Destiny: Well i really love to write it helps me a lot . So i might be a journalist but people say I'm not going to make much

Justice : you need to stop listening to people . if that's what you wanna do then do it  . No one is stopping you

Destiny : yeah your right

I look down thinking then he push my chin up and slowly kisses me . I kiss back i wasn't sure of what to do .

Justice : i love you

Destiny : i love you too

We fell asleep in each other arms

Tameka ~

Trey went to go shower as i sat reading some destiny's work .It was good she went so deep i loved it .. He came looking real sexy he had water running down his 6 pack . A couple of tattoos and a beautiful smile .

He sat next to me on my bed .

Tameka : so tell me what does this mean ?

The tattoo had the date of 01.14. 08 inside of a heart ♥.

Trey : it was the day my brother died .

Tameka : I'm so sorry  how did he die ?

Trey : Someone shot him 

Tameka : oh wow

We started talking some more . I found out his mom is the hospital in a coma , he dad is a stone cold drug man . His sister is with the state . He has been through a lot . He also told me his dad Joe used to beat him and his sister a lot . His mom is Sophia . And he is black and Puerto Rican . I can tell from the waviness he has. I opened up to him about me too . About my mom and her boyfriend . Also my dad

Trey: your very pretty

Tameka : no I'm stubborn

Trey : you are that too but i like it

Just then he kisses me our first kiss . it was fire to my water , cereal to my milk . It was really great kiss . That night we went to sleep cuddling there was nothing like the feeling of love but is it real ?

I just luv you guys yall got me going super crazy . So much luv for yall . I have so many readers its not even funny but help me get to 101 reads . Yall are dope as ever im in tears so much luv but yea my new goal is 101 reads help me out tell your friendz about my book

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