cuddles (kyudam)

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There's a lot of kyudam moments in the past few episodes of tmap and I'm living for it💕💙


Yedam is standing infront of Junkyu's door contemplating whether to knock or not. He have been having a hard time sleeping, so maybe a cuddle buddy would help. He first thought of his Yoshi hyung, but he always ended up spending his time in his studio, so his second thought goes to his Junkyu hyung, who he always cuddle with.

Too tired to think more, Yedam just decided to knock in his hyungs room hoping that he will wake up. *Knock knock* "hyung can I please sleep with you?" Yedam tried but no one answered so he tried again "hyung please wake up." Suddenly, the door opened and revealed a cute sleepy Junkyu. "What are you doing here? It's almost 2am." Junkyu asked, his voice rough because of sleep. "Hyung, can we please cuddle?" Yedam asked with a pout. "Yeah sure, come on" and Junkyu let him in his room.

Yedam went straight to his hyung's bed and wait for him to come. "So what's the reason your here?" Junkyu asked suspicious while laying down next to his dongsaeng. "I told you hyung, I wanna cuddle."Yedam reasoned to his hyung, or tried to. " And do you expect me to believe that?" As he look intensely to the younger. Yedam shifts uncomfortably under his hyung gaze, trying to think of a way out of the situation.

After a long silence, Junkyu speaked up again "fine, if you don't wanna tell me then its ok. But remember that I'm always, no scratch that, "WE" are always here for you." He said to the younger making sure to emphasize the word "WE".

He's known Yedam for a long time and he knows if he's lying or not feeling well. The younger can't simply hide anything to him. But he also know that he his having a hard time opening up and always hiding what he truly feels behind a smile. That's why he need to reassure the younger that he's not alone because they always have his back.

"Hyung, I- I- I just can't sleep...again." Yedam said whispering the last part hoping that his hyung won't hear. Unfortunately for him, Junkyu heard it. "Hmm... When's the last time you slept properly?" He said casually, hugging the younger so that it would feel like just a normal conversation because he knows how hard it is for him. "A few days ago I think." Hugging his hyung back. "Do you know the reason why?" Junkyu asked and checking his reaction after. Yedam seemed lost for word opening his mouth and closing it again. "I- I just, I- I don't know, I- I'm just- hyung." Yedam stuttered still finding the right word to say, his face looked tired. "Stressed?" Junkyu continued for him.
"Yeah I guess. Its just... a lot has been happening hyung you know. All this sudden changes, its just too much. I have been overthinking a lot again." Yedam explained to his hyung who is now looking at him listening to every word that he said and will say while hugging him more tightly to comfort him. "That's why... that's why I've been cooping up at my studio trying to keep myself busy. Because I'm just so scared hyung, I'm just so scared of all the things that might happen. I'm scared hyung." Yedam continued his voice cracking throughout his explanation and his tears silently flowing without his control.

Junkyu looked at Yedam worried, he didn't know that the younger felt this way. He didn't know that its to this extent. He hugged Yedam tighter, patting his back while the younger burried his face to his hyung's chest. "I know a lot has been happening" Junkyu said trying to comfort the younger "and I know that the future is really uncertain, but whatever happens we can go through it together." he looked at Yedam who is now listening intently to him tears still decorate his face . "I'm scared too I'll admit, but the fact that I have all 11 of you behind me, comforts me somehow because I know I'm not alone in this fight, I know that whatever happens we will get through it because we are a family. So if ever you feel scared or you overthink, come to us because we will always be there. If you don't want to talk about it yet then just let us comfort you. Don't build up your walls again because we will not leave you. We are stuck with you whether you like it or not. We are your family now ok." His hyung continued tearing up through the process but finished it with a smile while looking through his dongsaeng's face.

Junkyu may be showed as a funny, carefree, and a bit clumsy hyung, but he have his way with words and knows how to comfort his brothers. What he said right now is not just to comfort Yedam, but also to reassure the both of them that they always have each other. Because he also feels scared, and in the way the younger opened up to him made him realize that he also thought the same somehow.

"Hyung, I- thank you hyung." Yedam said unsure of what to say at a moment like this. He just hugged his hyung tighter if that's possible. After some silence Yedam speaked up again. "Hyung, do you think the others feel the same way too?" He asked curiosity evident in his voice. "I don't know damie, but one thing is for sure if they ever feel that way we will always be there for them." His hyung answered with a smile. "But for now, it's almost 3am we need to sleep especially you. So let's just continue our cuddle session and leave the thinking when we wake up later, for now just rest your mind because you need it." Junkyu said to the younger covering him with the blanket and making him comfortable. "Thank you hyung, for letting me cuddle with you." Yedam said, eyes close and ready to sleep. "Of course I'll agree, I will never turn down a cuddle." They both chuckled silently. And Junkyu started singing to help Yedam sleep better.

"Sleep well, uri damie" and that night, he slept without thoughts constantly clouding his mind.

Next day... Lunch time

"Junghwanie, can you please wake up Yedam and Junkyu? Mashi made lunch, we should eat together" Their Hyunsuk hyung called to their maknae. "Yes hyung!" Junghwan said back and went to his Junkyu hyung's room first. He knocked on the door and waited for answers, but when no one answered he just welcomed himself to the room and that's where he saw his Junkyu hyung and Yedam hyung cuddling. Yedam's face burried in his hyung chest while Junkyu's chin is resting on Yedam's head. After seeing the scene he went back to the kitchen and told his hyungs what he saw. "Hyung hyung hyung, Yedamie hyung and Junkyu hyung's cuddling it looks cute you should see it. Come on hyung" he said in a rush while dragging his Hyunsuk hyung to the scene. Once they arrived, Junghwan stopped and look at his hyung to say something but he heard a click and saw his hyung taking pictures. "Hyung, shhhh you might wake them up" Junghwan said worried that they might disturb them. "Trust me , they won't." Hyunsuk replied still busy taking photos. After Hyunsuk took thousands of picture, they decided to head back to the kitchen and tell the others to just leave food for the two and showed them the pictures he took, which ended up with a lunch in front of their phones waiting for Hyunsuk to send the pictures.

So for the dorm arrangement, just exchange junkyu and and mashiho. So mashiho will be in dorm 1 and junkyu in dorm 2. I hope its not confusing😭

Fun fact:
At first I just want to write kyudam cuddling but it ended up like this😭😭😭

I suddenly added my own thoughts to this story. What Yedam is thinking, what he opened up to Junkyu is really me😭

And what Junkyu said is somehow what I want to hear sincerely not just to comfort like I really want someone to be there for me, someone who always have my back.

But anyways I just want to share that HAHSHAH

Also your feedbacks are greatly appreciated ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Hope you guys enjoy💕

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