Heartbroken (harudam)

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Yedam was on his way to meet his boyfriend Asahi. He have a surprise for him since its almost their 1st anniversary, and he can't wait till their actual anniversary. 

He dropped by their favorite coffee shop first to order some drinks. He happily arrived at the cafe, but what he saw inside broke his heart. He saw his boyfriend kissing some girl. He can feel tears slowly building up bit he pushed it down and went to his soon to be ex boyfriend. "Hello Asahi- oh, did I interrupted something?" He said to them innocently. Asahi looked at him shock, but before he could say anything, Yedam beated him to it. "I'm sorry but I'll be quick. I'm just gonna give this to my "boyfriend" as an early anniversary gift but also a goodbye gift." He smiled innocently but his voice drips venom. "Look Yedamie, I- I, its not what it looks like. I can explain please." Asahi said taking Yedam's hand but Yedam pulled away. "No, you don't need to explain anything, I completely understand" he said sarcastically. He then gave him the bag that contains his gift for him. Asahi looked inside and saw a small box. He opened it, it contains a necklace with their initials. "Well looks like my business is done here. Its nice meeting you both, but I hope to not see you again especially you" as he glare to Asahi's direction. "And if its not clear yet, we're break and I suggest you don't show your face to my hyung's if you still want to live. Goodbye." He said sweetly and left. Asahi just sat there dumbfounded by what happened until he feels a hand onto his own. He then remembered that she was there. "Oppa, just forget about him. Come on, I'll take you to my apartment" she said seductively and Asahi agreed. He didn't really care if they had broken up. Well, he is even a bit happy since he is now free and single with no commitments tying him down.

Once Yedam is out of the shop, he let his tears flow freely. He decided to call his hyung , Jaehyuk because he knows him very well and he also know that he won't react violently to what Yedam is about to say. He sat in an empty park, his tears still flowing down and his vision is blurry because of the tears clouding his eyes. He then dialed Jaehyuk's number and waited for him to answer. After a few seconds, Jaehyuk picked up the phone.

(Yedam underlined, Jaehyuk italic)

"Hey Yedamie, why did you call?"

"Hyung, I need you. Can I come to your dorm?"
Yedam said trying not to sound like he's crying. But unfortunately for him, Jaehyuk noticed it.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jaehyuk asked softly.

"I don't I want to talked about it over phone hyung. Just please can I go to you?" Yedam plead to his hyung.

Jaehyuk know something was wrong but he can't do anything. He is out of town for a thesis. "Yedamie, uhmm- how about this. Just go to my dorm and stay there. Haruto is there, he can accompany you while you are waiting for me. I'm out of town for something but I'll be there as fast as I can so please, just go to my dorm okay?" Jaehyuk suggested.

"Hyung, I'm sorry, I forgot about your thesis. Its okay, I'm just gonna stay in my apartment." Yedam refused, feeling bad.

"No Yedamie, its okay. Please just go there, I'll be home as fast as I can okay? And I'm really worried about you." Jaehyuk said, hoping to convince the younger.

Yedam just said yes and the call ended. His tears stopped before the call ended but he still have this heavy feeling in his chest on his way to his hyung's dorm.

He arrived at the dorm and Haruto let him in. He remembered that his hyung said Haruto is there and his glad for that he have a companion. They are also pretty close, bonding over same hobbies.

"Hyung, you look like shit. Are you ok?" Haruto asked worried. His hyung have red eyes like his a vampire and a rosy cheeks. He let him in and guided him to Jaehyuk's bed.

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