Music (yoshidam)

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Inspired by episode 46 of tmap💕

Yoshi and Yedam have been spending a lot of their time in their studios, writing songs, composing tunes, or just listening to music. They bond over this. Yedam listened to his hyung's songs and Yoshi listened to his.

In one episode of treasure map, Yedam went to his hyung's studio, acting like he is meeting a producer sunbaenim. The next scene was them in Yedam's studio. Yedam want his hyung to hear the songs he wrote. He first played his song titled, "I'm not sad". They vibed through the song's upbeat tune. And then the next one is a ballad titled "Born to love you". The song highlights Yedam's beautiful voice.

This scene is normal to them by now. Yedam going to Hyunsuk's or Yoshi's studio and vice versa. They let each other listen to their self composed songs.

A few days later, Yoshi just finished a new song after pulling an all nighter. He looked at the clock, its showing that its already 1:30 am. But he went to Yedam's studio anyway. He know the younger is still there, aware of the fact that he almost lives there. But his not the one to talk, since he also spend a lot of time in his studio.

He knocked on Yedam's door, then he looked inside to see what the younger is doing. He saw Yedam sitting infront of the computer while his head lying down in his table. Seeing the scene, he opened the door slightly, afraid to wake up the sleeping younger or so he think.

"Yedamie~" he sing songed quietly calling the younger. While nearing the sleeping boy, he heard whimpers. He fastened his steps worried for the younger. Yoshi slightly pats the younger's back and kneel down next to him.

Yedam finally sensed his hyung's presence and looked at him, he didn't hide the fact that he's crying, his face full of tears and red from crying. Yoshi worriedly took one of his hand and wiped his tears. Yoshi's action made Yedam go on full on sobbing, his face burried in his hyung's neck. His hyung patting his back in a way of comfort, for a long time they just stayed like that.

"Hey Yedamie, Its okay, I'm here." He tried to comfort the younger hoping that it will somehow lessen his crying to be able to properly talk to him. He keeps reassuring the younger that he's there and it will be ok.

After some time, Yedam finally calmed down, he looked at his hyung who looked back to him worriedly. Yoshi wiped his tears and Yedam suddenly spoke, "hyung... Yoshi hyung" he called quietly. "Yes I'm here Yedamie" his hyung replied looking at the younger. "Hyung, I don't know what to do." he said to his hyung as he watched his hyung's reaction. Seeing that his hyung is listening intently to him encouraged him to continue. He knows that his hyung is worried because all he did is cry and he never told him anything, that's why he decided to tell him everything. And seeing that his hyung is ready to listen, gives him confidence, so he continued "I have been having a hard time writing songs lately, I don't know why. I love writing and making music, but the fact that I'm having a hard time making one, gives me a weird feeling. Hyung, making music is like my diary. If I can't make music, I have no way to express my emotions. I'm so lost hyung. I don't know what to do." he finished looking down, his hair covering his face as new set of tears get its way to his eyes.

"You know Yedamie, sometimes I feel the same way too." he started looking at Yedam who is still looking down. He took the younger's hand holding it tight in some sort of comfort. When Yedam squeezed his hand letting him know his listening, he then continued "Music is also very important to me. It helped me go through everything and it also helped me become a better person. And you know what I do when I feel like that?" The younger looked at him and Yoshi just smiled and said "I listen to music or watch someone make music, because in that way I can be inspired again." He finished and the younger now starring at his hyung. "So rather that thinking so much, let's just listen to music okay." Yoshi said standing up and leading the younger to the bed. Once he tucked Yedam in, he went to his computer and played some song. He then layed down next to the younger, cuddling him. "Let's just sleep tonight Yedamie, it almost 3 we need to rest." Yoshi said while caressing the younger's hair. "Oh hyung" Yedam said remembering something. "Hmmm?" His hyung hummed back. "Didn't you finished a new song? That why you went here right?" Yedam asked to his hyung. Yoshi was suddenly struck with realization, he was so focused on calming down the younger that he forgot the reason why he really went there. "Yeah... right..." He said still surprised he forgotten it. "Maybe we can listen to i-" "Nope Yedamie, we should rest, okay? We can listen to it later when we wake up." Yoshi cutted him. "Okay hyung" Yedam replied, too tired to make the conversation longer. He snuggled closer to his hyung enjoying the warmth and comfort he gives. "Goodnight hyung" Yedam said to his hyung his eyes close ready to drift to dreamland. "Goodnight too Yedamie, sleep well" he replied to the younger.

They both fell asleep after that, tired from all the things that happened. The only sound you can hear is there calm breathes and the soft music playing in the background as they sleep peacefully.

That's what I actually do when I lost interest in editing or drawing. I search for edits or watch someone drawing to get inspired again hehe.

your feedbacks and votes are greatly appreciated, Thank you!<3

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed💕💙

See u next story, Teubyee(◍^ᴗ^◍)❤~

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