Luke's happy birthday

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"Luke, I'm going to the shops with Ashton." "Again? What are you two even doing?" "Just shopping." "May I go too this time?" "Well... Maybe tomorrow." He shook his head and walked away. But what could I say then? I couldn't say 'Ashton and I are planning something very special for your birthday party and you can come with us to see what it is so it actually won't be a surprise anymore'.

Ash and I went to the shops for the 6th time in a row.. "Luke doesn't trust us Ash." "Typically Luke." "But I would think the same if Luke would go outside with an other girl for almost every day in the week." "What's your point?" "Maybe we should call Luke to tell him that he should come with us." "And his present?" "We'll do it right now."

Ash and I did the stuff we need to do and called Luke. He came and asked what we've already done. "We went to look for new glasses for Ash." I said. We all continued our walk. Luke wanted to walk in the middle without giving a good reason. But Ashton and I already knew why. It was so clearly.

When we were home again, the phone rang. Michael picked it up and walked in my direction. I was sitting on the couch with Luke. "It's a woman. She says that you booked a flight to the Sou--" I freaked out and grabbed the phone. "Thanks!" I ran away with it to my room.

"Who was that?" "Ooh she had the wrong number." "You looked very excited. " I thought that it was someone else. But I need you to help me choose which clothes I should throw away or donate." "Sure."

"Should I keep these pants?" I grabbed them out of closet and threw them to Luke. "I don't know how it fits you." He threw them back. "Wait I'll try them." I walked to the corner to put them on till I noticed Luke looking. "Luke, can you please look away?" "Oh sorry."

"And?" "It seems like all clothes fit you!" "Awwe!" I sat next to him and we started to kiss. But apparently Luke stood up and walked away. Without saying something. I thought he would come back so I just dropped backwards on the bed. And then I fell asleep.

Someone was tickling my feet. It was Michael. "Dinner is ready." he said. I came but I couldn't find Luke. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "We don't know." Calum answered. "Did you saw him walking away?" "Yes." "When?!" "I guess he came out of your room and then he walked through the front door."

I looked at all potential places, I called him a thousand times and I asked everyone if they've seen him but I couldn't find Luke. I was so worried bc everything has could happen to him. He could be kidnapped by a fan, choked in his food, dolphins could have killed him (they're such evil creatures). IT STRESSES ME OUT!

Luke showed up very late this evening. "Where have you been?" "Somewhere else." "Luke! I was so worried and now you're telling me that you were 'somewhere else'?!" He sat down on the couch. When he put his arms around me, he whispered: "remember when you said that you wanted to go home?" "Yes." "We can leave right now. I asked a Jonas to make the house ready so he cleaned it." He grabbed my hands and stood up. "Get your stuff." He kissed me to make me more comfortable cause I was still kinda worried.

We arrived home both exhausted. So we went upstairs to sleep. "Thanks Luke." "No problem." He got on me and took off all his clothes. "You don't mind, don't you?" "I've seen like this before." I took only my shirt and pants off. We didn't have sex but that will be the next step in our relationship. "Tomorrow is your birthday." "Yes." "I have a amazing surprise for you." "Really?" "Uhuu."

Today is the day: Luke's birthday. I woke up at 5am for his present. After I got dressed I called Ashton.

Sophie: Ash?

Ashton: Good, you're awake.

Sophie: The plane leaves at 7am right?

Ashton: Yes. So make sure to be there in time.

Sophie: Pfft. I'm never late.

Ashton: See you in a few hours then.

"Luke? Wake up!" I jumped on our bed. "HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY LUKEY!" He open his eyes and grabbed my leg so I fell on him. We laughed and kissed. "The taxi to the airport arrives in an hour so you need to get dressed." I walked to another room and came back with new clothes. "Are they for me?!" "Yes of course! It's your birthday! And I hope they'll fit you." "They're so epic!"

Two hours later we arrived at the airport. I looked around to spot Ashton but he was nowhere. "I need to call someone so... here's some money so you can buy yourself a Starbucks or something to eat."

Sophie: Where are you?!

Ashton: My plane had a delay.

Sophie: Where are you now?

Ashton: I just walked pass the suitcase stuff.

Sophie: I'll wait for you.

Ashton: See you in a few minutes.

Where's Luke? Ugggggh! Why is everything so difficult rn ffs?!


I was totally ready for my birthday present. I was so excited that I couldn't find Sophie anymore... But then I saw someone very familiar: Ashton. "Hey Ash! Ash!" I started to wave at him to get his attention. "Hey Luke! Happy birthday bro!" "Thanks man! What are you actually doing here?" "Looking for Sophie. You?" "Looking for Sophie too." We both walked through the massive crowd to find Soph. And we succeed: we found her after half and hours. "Where were you Luke?" "McDonald's..." "And you Ash?" "I was with Luke..." "Fine. We gotta go now."

We went to a very small plane. "Do you have any idea where we're going to babe?" "Nope." Sophie giggled and hugged me. "You'll find out soon."

I was about to fall asleep when Soph woke me up again. "Don't sleep. We're almost there." I looked out of the window but I saw only snow, snow and snow again...

We got out of the plane. Someone was probably waiting for us bc Sophie said to Ashton: "There she is." I had still no clue what we're about to do when we talked with the woman. "Hello. My name is Rosie. You must be Luke. Happy birthday." The woman had red hair and glasses. "Please follow me." She walked to a house and we followed. "Do you know what we're going to do?" "No miss." "Oh just say Rosie." Then she turned to Ashton. "Can I tell it him or are you going to do it." "Uhmm... Just let him see." We walked to the other side of the house. There was another door. I saw penguins everywhere! "PENGUUUUUIIIIINS!" I ran to the nearest penguin and started to hug him or her. Then I ran to Ash and Soph and started to hug them too. "Thank you sooooo much!" After kissing Sophie, Ashton asked: "Why don't you kiss me? I went all the way to the damn shops to do this for you." So I kissed Ashton too (don't think weird stuff rn).


It was literally the weirdest thing I've ever did but I confess that his kiss wasn't wrong at all tbh... Luke ran to the penguins again and Sophie and I watched him being happy. I felt like a really proud parent. I wanted to say that to Sophie. But then she waved at Luke. Her sleeve moved down and I saw her 'stripes of endless happiness' appeared again.

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