Break up

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I was in Australia again with the boys. They just finished touring and I went with them. Between the concerts I tried to find my brother but it didn't went so well.. Luke always says: "Don't give up yet. You're gonna find him." But that doesn't help that much...

"Luke, I'm so tired of the fact that I can't find him..." "You'll find him." "When." "I don't know. But let's have some dinner." We called the others and ate.


When she ate, her long sleeve moved down and I saw red lines on her wrist... I knew exactly what that meant..

After dinner is asked: "Sophie, can you come for a moment?" "Uhm sure."

I locked the door of my room. "Sophie?" "Yes?" "Is there something you want to talk about?" "Not really... Why actually?" "Well.. your wrist..." She became red and whispered: "Keep it secret please." "Only if you promise me to talk about it." "Okay.." "Can I see your sca--" "Stripes of endless happiness." "Is that how you'd like to call it?" "Yes." Okay. So can I see your stripes of endless happiness?" "Uhm okay." I was kinda shocked when I saw her stripes of endless happiness. They were pretty big. "Why did you do that Sophie." "I'm stressed and I hate my life.." "But you are beautiful, smart, you have a great boyfriend and a good family." "No. Not at all. I can't find my damn brother, I have no family, I hate myself, I hate my life,  I hate everything and I only want to die!" She started to cry and it was heartbreaking... "Don't hate yourself.." "I can't help it!" I hugged her and then I heard someone knocking on the door. "Hey open the door please." I opened the door and Luke came in. "Are you okay sweetie?"


Of course I wasn't okay. I dried my tears. "I'm fine." "No you're not. Ashton what have you done?" "Nothing, really." "Well why is she crying?" Ashton looked at me and I lightly shook my head. "She.. is.. disappointed cause it's hard to find her brother. Yes." "God damn it Ashton. Why did you even talked with her about that?!" "Well I'm sorry!" "Fuck off!" I couldn't stand the fact that he was screaming at Ashton. "Luke! Please don't shout at him!" "But he's hurting you!" "Damn it Luke! You are only telling me that it's gonna be okay but it's not!" I started to cry and Luke was staring at me. "Great." He walked away and I stood up. "Luke come back! GOD DAMN IT LUKE!" I sat down again and cried again.

After half an hour I came into the living room. "Where's Luke?" "In the club with Michael and Ashton." "Oh. Thanks Calum."

It was midnight when I heard the door. "Luke is that you?" Two voice were singing. I went to the living room but I only found Michael and Ashton who were drunk af. "Where's Luke?" Michael looked confused. "That boy went home because he was tired." But he never came home.. Ffs Luke!

I woke up without a Luke Hemmings beside me. I looked in every single room in the house but he just wasn't there. "Calum?" I whispered. "Pssst Calum please wake up." "Hmm?" "Luke's gone." "Maybe he's with friends." he mumbled. I walked out of his room and called Luke. FUCK.. Voice mail... "Hey Luke this is Sophie. I'm really worried about you cause I don't know where you are and I wanna say sorry to you. Please call me back or at least text you where you are. Love you. Bye."

Three hours later I called him again. Luke finally picked it up. Well I thought it was Luke... "Hello? Luke?" I heard a girl voice. "What do you want from him?" "Who are you? Never mind but can I talk to Luke for a moment?" "No." "What? Why not? This is very important!" "We are busy. " She hung up. I laid on the couch. I was thinking about what just happened. Maybe that girl who picked up his phone was his new girlfriend...

Seven hours later Luke came in. I already packed my stuff bc I was flying back to England. "Hey. Where are you going?" "Home." "But I thought that you were gonna leave us 3 weeks later?" "Yes, but I changed my mind. And there's another thing I changed today." "What?" "It's over between us." "What?! Why?!" "Maybe it's wasn't that smart to let that girl pick up the phone!" "Shit! Sophie!" I walked away. "Sophie I was drunk!" "But not in the morning!"


Why am I so stupid? Ashton walked past me with one of her favourite books in his hands. I went upstairs and looked out of the window. I saw Ashton talking to her and giving her her book. She cried and hugged him. He kissed her for like 4 times on her cheeks and it makes me wanna puke. Damn it Ashton. I don't had the energy and courage to knock on the window or walk downstairs. So I was actually letting her go.. But I want her back. No matter what... No I don't want her but I need her. She must get back. But how am I supposed to do that? I didn't noticed it but I was crying. I wanted to shout and scream bc I was angry. I hated Ashton for a moment bu then I realized that it was all my fault and I was the only one to blame... Sophie walked away..

Guys, this is the last chapter of my story. It takes a lot of time to write it all. I'm really sorry but there's still a chance that I might post a few chapters. Thanks for reading and I love you all.

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