Meeting an old friend...

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I spent 2 years for finding him and now I found him: my one and only brother Danny! I went to New Zealand to meet him cause that's where he lives. Luke stayed home.

There he was. We kinda look like each other. "Heey little sister!" I hugged him and we both got short of emotional. We got inside his house and talked about our lifes. He is very tall, he has brown hair (just like me), green eyes (the same as mine) and you can say that he's handsome.

When his wife came home (yep he's married) she was walking with a little boy. "That's my son Robert." "Awwe he's so adorable." I stood up to greet his wife and she looked a  bit confused. "Danny? Is that Sophie Rowe?" "Yes. She's my sister." "Why did you never told me this?" She smiled and shook my hand. "Well welcome! I'm Elizabeth, Danny's wife, but you can me Beth." "Nice to meet you." She walked to the kitchen to empty her shopping bag. Robert walked after her while asking: "Mommy? Who is that?" "That's you aunt. She's dad's sister." He walked back to Danny and put his hand up as a sign that he wanted to be lifted up. "Daddy? Who is that?" "That's my sister Sophie. But for you it's "Aunt Sophie"." It was a bit weird to realize that I was an aunt but I was okay with that.

It was almost night so I gotta go. "It was really nice to meet you Danny and thank you that I could come to see you." We hugged for a long time. "Thank you for your delicious dinner Beth. It was amazing." We hugged too until I felt something grabbing my leg. It was Robert. "Bye aunt Sophie." I got on my knees to hug him. "Bye Robert."

"And?" "They were really sweet and they have a son named Robert and he is cute as fuck!" "Robert is my second name!" "I knooooow! But how was your day anyway?" "Jason came here and we swam in our pool and I ate a lot of pizza the last 2 days."

I told Luke about my experience with my brother and he was happy cause I was happy and the fact that he was happy cause I was happy made me very happy. Okay that was kinda weird but anyway we were happy.

Luke had to go on tour again and he said that it'll take a few months but that I could visit him whenever I want.

The first few days of Luke's tour I spent in England. Back with my family. And I went to someone special tho.

"Hey Charlie!" "Soph?!" I ran up to Charlie in the garden to give him a warm hug but then I noticed something different... Charlie was totally bald.. "Nice hairdo bro." He laughed and stroke his head. "It's for my new film. Red band society." "Cool. Where are all the others?" "Venice." "Oh. I'll drop my suitcases in my room and I'll be right back." "Take your time."

So I went to the special person. He isn't actually that special but I just went to his house bc I know where he lives hehehe. I rang his doorbell and he opened the door. "Sophie?" He looked kinda stoned so I didn't know if it was the right moment to visit him.. "Uhm hey." "The hell are you doing here?" "I went home and thought that it would be nice to see you again." "Come in." I looked around and saw barely something bc smoke everywhere, I heard heavy metal music or whatever it was and I smelled weed.. "Do you want?" He was holding a sigaret between his fingers. "Oh I don't smoke." "Okay. So how's it going?" "Fine. What about you?" "Busy. I'm flying to Australia and back and it's just exhausting..." "Really?" "Yeah my grandma passed out and I'm going to live in her house cause that was her wish.." "I'm sorry.. I didn't know..." "It's okay... Where do you actually live right now?" "Australia." "Cool." That moment my phone rang. It was Luke but I didn't know what to do bc I bet he wouldn't really liked it if he knew where I was but I picked it up anyway.

Sophie: "Hello?"

Luke: "Heey!"

Sophie: "Luke!"

Luke: "What's all that noise?"

Sophie: "Oh that's.. Charlie's music."

Special person who ain't that special tho: "Who the fuck is Charlie?"

Luke: "Who was that Soph?"

Sophie: "Never mind but how's your tour going?"

Luke: "You aren't hiding something from me right?"

Sophie: "Of course not.."

Luke: "Where are you?"

Sophie: "England."

Luke: "Where?"

Sophie: "Home."

Luke: "Don't lie to me. I'm in your house in England. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.."

He hung up and I was kinda panicking. I was totally frustrated.

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