He looks like... Zuko?

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About a month later I went to the Starbucks. "Hello, how can I help you?" "Hey, a Caramel Frappuccino please." "What size?" "Uhm.. Small please." "And what's your name?" "Oh just call me what you want." He looked up and smiled at me. He had half long dark hair and he kinda reminds me of Zuko from the Avatar but than without the scar... and firebending.

"Caramel Frappuccino for Callmewhatyouwant." I turned around and saw that Zuko guy laughing at me so I knew it was my drink. "Thanks." "No problemo but what is actually your real name?" "You'll find out later." "Okay. I'm working tomorrow again at this time." He winked at me and continued helping other people.

The next day I came again. "Heey Callmewhatyouwant." "Hi Starbucksguy." He smiled at me again. His smile is adorable tho. "Caramel Frappuccino?" "Yes please. A small one." "I have a break in a few minutes so I thought that I could sit with you to get to know you." "Sure."

"Hey thanks for waiting." "That's okay but why do you wanna know ny name?" "Cause I like you." "I have a really sweet boyfriend.." "Me too." I probably smiled as a creep but I really like gay people. "Really?" "No." "Oh.." "But I don't like like you but just 'like' you. If you know what I mean." "Uhu." "So what's your name?" "What's yours?" "My name is Jonas." "Sweet." "Why don't you tell me yours?" "Cause I don't want you to know it." "May I ask why?" "Well... Uhmm.." He grabbed my hand and smiled at me again. "It's okay. I'll see you later. Bye." He walked away and I sighed. Why can't I just be a normal girl and normally tell my name? Fuck my life.

"How was your day Soph?" "Good thanks bae." I kissed Luke. "Guess what?" "What?" "I cooked today!" "Awwe that's so sweet Lukey! What did you cook?" "That's a secret!" "Hahaha okay."

"Tadaaaa! Mac 'n cheese! But it's a bit burned..." "Awwwe this is so adorable!" It was difficult to eat it and keep it inside cause it was totally burned but with a bit of love and a lot of ketchup I could tell that it was delicious.

We laid in bed at 1 o'clock cause we had fun downstairs. We laid on our sides and Luke was behind me with his legs around mine. He tickled my neck with nose and whispered sweet things that slowly turned out to sexual things. "Omg Luke! I don't even want to know that!" He just giggled and I have to admit that Luke is definitely the ultimate boyfried.

The next day we went to the Starbucks (the same as where Jonas works). "Hey Jonas!" "Heey Callmewhatyouwant!" Luke looked very confused. "How can I help you and your...?" "Oh, I'm her boyfriend." He smiled very proud and Jonas said: "Yeah she told me about you." "Good things I hope?"

We sat down and Luke asked Jonas to sit with us. After a long but nice conversation he gave Luke and me his phone number and he asked Luke for my name (Jason won) but he still doesn't know about my career. Luke and I were walking back home when he said: "He kinda reminds me of Zuko from the Avatar..." "YES OMG I WAS THINKING THE SAME!" "Wooow calm down!" he laughed while kissing my cheek and neck. But then my phone rang. "Hello Sophie. We found him!"

PM me your part (idc what it's about) and maybe I'm gonna use your subject in one of my new chapters.

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