Norwest Christian College

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It's been 4 days since I've been in my aunt's house and now it's time for school.. yaay education.. I just don't wanna go. I hate first days.

So my first day was terribly. I was too early so I had to wait for like 91739 hours.. When they finally opened the doors, I didn't know where to go so I was standing in the middle of the hallway, waiting for someone to help me. But I could wait for a long time bc nobody was at school except for the teachers. When I finally saw a real human being I asked her the way to the principals office. She seemed very nice and she didn't recognized me so that was good.

"SILENCE!" Aargh my ear was probably bleeding. But my new teacher is an old ugly human being with a very annoying voice and I bet she's gonna shout a lot. "Today we have a new student in class! A very special student! Tell the class who you are." "Well.. I'm Sophie Rowe.." Damn everyone's talking to each other about me! "SILENCE!" JESUS CHRIST STOP SCREAMING IN MY EAR! "I'm 15 years old and I come from England." "Are you THE Sophie Rowe?!" "RAISE YOUR HAND FIRST!" "Uhm.. I think I am who you mean.." And they started to talk ag-- don't scream again don't scream again please. "QUITE NOW!" DAMN YOU FUCKING TEACHER! "Well Sophie, you can sit next to Victoria." And miss creepy-smiled at me. Teachers are not allowed to do that. While I was walking to my new place, I found out that Victoria was the girl in the hallways. "Heey." "Heey." "Weren't you that girl earlier at school today?" "Yep." "Sorry I didn't recognized you." "That's okay." "So why are you actually here?" "Well my aunt is making a world trip so I could stay in her house and I have some concerts in Australia so that's why I'm here." "Cool." Maybe we could be friends.. idk.

That was the first day but my second day was awkward af. I came too early again.. I'm never gonna learn it tho. But Victoria was sitting in every class alone so I sat every class next to her. I barely said anything in class but I knew everything bc back in London I used to do two grades higher but they said here that I should be in class with kids of my age but I'm going to school bc I need to learn something (and my parents forced me)... I hate this school.

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