Crowded Abyss

414 198 60

Wandering in crowded places,
my flesh is ripe with the taste of panic.
Constantly surrounded by unidentifiable faces,
my pulse abruptly starts to be frantic.

This air I breathe feels hallucinogenic;
a falsehood born from the twisted making of my life
fractured and divided into strife.
My breath promptly starts to be sporadic.

Haggard faces seem to rip me apart,
for I am, but an infraction upon this body that trails me.
Nothing has fetched the hope except accomplished art;
stop killing me with softness, do it with intention; I must agree

I'd rather succumb to the light of the sun
than to the fierce instincts stringing me.
Tear me apart, burn my heart and call its honesty
while I hide that blood trailing down this pasty skin!

My frail body is nothing but a pitiful corpse clamoring
gracious lies tarnishing my vision already blurred.
Let me cry out my ultimate vain thing
before falling deep down the abyss where I'll be rested.

Ecce nihil

__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

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